Home School 14th May

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:01am

Good morning everyone,

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for maths today is all about number bonds to 100. I have added Bond Bubbles to your Purple Mash 2Dos. Remember the White Rose Maths Home Learning runs alongside the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons and these videos are good too.  There are no longer any worksheets available on this site though.  Well done to those children who are working hard to complete these tasks.

The English focus today is recognising and using exclamation marks. There are some new activities in Homework MYCITY for you to try.

 A huge “well done” to those children who are working hard at home to complete these tasks. I can see your success in my success tracker!

The design technology focus is also really good today, it is all about designing and making a model for your ideal bedroom!  Looks like great fun!


 Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TD smiley