Home School 13th May

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:32am

Good morning everyone,

The BBC Bitesize Daily focus for maths today is all about subtracting two 2 digit numbers. Some of us find this tricky, especially when you have to exchange.  Remember when you have to draw out the tens and ones and then change the tens into ten ones so you can take away?  I have added some new learn screens and activities to run alongside this for this week in the Homework MYCITY tab on Education City. The learn screens need to be watched before you try the activities. The White Rose Maths Home Learning runs alongside the BBC Bitesize Daily lessons and these videos are good too.  There are no longer any worksheets available on this site though.  Well done to those children who are working hard to complete these tasks.

The English focus today is handwriting but I think it is too easy for most of us. Yesterday’s focus was learning how to recognise and use conjunctions. There are some activities in Homework MYCITY to practise these and today I have also added two new 2Dos exploring when and how to use conjunctions. (Co-ordination and sub-ordination.) Do this if you don’t do the BBC task today. A huge well done to those children who are working hard at home to complete these tasks.

The science focus is really good today, it is taking a look at all different types of animals and classifying them.  We have been looking in some detail at animals that live in hot and cold regions but take a look at this and try some of the activities.

The new summer newsletter for Come and See at Home has been added to the website if you would like to take a look and see what the themes are for the summer term.

 Happy home learning, take care everybody! 

Mrs TDsmiley