Home School 13th July

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 7:41am

Home School Y2 Week Beginning 13th July

Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine yesterday.

Well done to those children trying so hard to work at home.  I know it is hard but you are doing so well.  I can see your scores on Education City and Purple Mash and know just how hard you are trying.  Some of you are working through your CGP books and doing your home learning this way - that is great too!

This week there is another chance to learn to tell the time.  It is really important that you can read the time on a clock face – o’clock and half past, quarter to and quarter past, and to really challenge yourself why not try telling the time in five minute intervals.  The tasks set in the Telling the Time MYCITY will help as will those added to Purple Mash. When you all come back to school in September it would be great if you could all tell the time! Why not make a timetable of all your favourite TV shows and draw the time on the clock next to the name of the TV programme.  Make your own mini TV guide!

As in previous weeks I will put a timetable up as a suggested format for the week in place of a daily blog.  This will follow the same pattern  as last week with BBC Bitesize lessons alongside White Rose Maths home learning with some additional Education City MYCITY Homework tasks.  This will be the pattern for Monday to Wednesday and then Mrs Ryan will set some topic based tasks for Thursday and Friday.

Have any of you tried Phonics Bloom  yet? It is a great interactive website with lots of fun games for children to practise their letters and sounds (phonics) and will help with the consolidation of the Phase 5 Sounds we have been learning throughout the year. Use this to recap on previous rules taught this year.

Don’t forget to visit the CAFOD website to have a look at the Come and See unit called “Treasures” there are some nice activities here for you to try at home.

Very Important to note:

This week’s lessons takes lessons from 6th July on BBC Bitesize and White Rose.

This term many of the activities will be consolidation and revision of topics and concepts taught in previous terms so there should be a high degree of independence with these tasks.



wc 13th July





BBC Bitesize – Measuring Capacity/Volume in litres

White Rose Maths Home Learning Hub

BBC Bitesize – Looking at tense and action words

MYCITY Homework Education City – tasks and worksheets to support the Bitesize Activities

BBC Bitesize – something a bit different it is all about making music


BBC Bitesize – Learn how to read a thermometer and take a temperature -  watch the Learn Screen and complete the task in Education City


White Rose Maths Home Learning Hub – thermometers

BBC Bitesize – adding description to your writing


MYCITY Education City – Learn Screens plan and write a fable

Follow this and then rewrite the story and add lots of adjectives to add detail and description. You could write it up on Purple Mash

Why not make your own thermometer out of junk materials?


BBC Bitesize – Revision

Telling the time – o,clock and half past do the next day’s work and  try quarter to and quarter past

White Rose Maths Home Learning Hub – again do the two days in one!

For those of you who have not completed it (and there are quite a few of you!) there is a set of tasks from last term on TIME in your Education City MYCITY Homework

BBC Bitesize  - using conjunctions in your writing

BBC Bitesize Drama – something a bit different here, why not give it a go?


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan


Topic tasks set by Mrs Ryan