Home School 12th June

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 8:06pm

Hello Year 2 and ‘Happy Friday’ to you all. It’s Mrs Ryan here. laugh

How did you all get on with your Geography challenge yesterday? Were you able to name some countries that make up the continent of Africa? Did you know that Africa is the second largest continent (after Asia) in the world? Here are Mrs Ryan’s “fast 5” facts about Africa for you…

  1. The longest river in the world, the Nile, is in Africa.
  2. It has the world's largest desert, the Sahara.
  3. It is the second largest continent at approximately 11.7 million square miles.
  4. It is the hottest continent on Earth.
  5. It is the second most populous continent in the world with over 1.1 billion people living there.


Remember, I would love to hear your five facts from our topic work before half term. Send me an email at school on stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk

As part of our History curriculum, this half term we will be finding out about famous explorers of Africa and the Polar regions. Today, we will be focusing on a Scottish explorer-David Livingstone- who explored Africa in the 19th century. I have attached a PowerPoint all about his explorations of Africa and some activities for you to try. The PowerPoint contains lots of information, so you will need your grown up to look at this with you. The first activity is a sequencing one- putting key events from Livingstone’s life into the correct order. We have used timelines in our History lessons before, so you should all be superstars at this! The second activity is to create a fact file about David Livingstone using key information from the PowerPoint.

As an extra challenge- can you try and find out about one other explorer of Africa and create either a short fact file or a poster about their exploration?

Your music lessons with Mrs Taylor would have been focused around African music and sounds this half term. I have attached a link to a piece of African music. Have a listen and think about the following questions:


  • Do you hear any instruments that you recognise?
  • Is there one main instrument?
  • Is there one sound or lots of different sounds playing at once?
  • How would you describe the mood of the music?
  • How do you think the main instrument is being played? 

I have set you a ‘2Do’ on Purple Mash (called Twinkle Twinkle) to try and recreate this piece of music. Enjoy!!

That’s all from me today children. Enjoy your learning and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will speak to you all again next week. 

Mrs R heart

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