Home School 11th June

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 7:20pm

Hello Year 2!

It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well and had a lovely half term. Have you all seen the special video message the staff made for you? If not, be sure to check it out on our gallery page. J

Now, this half term we are continuing with our topic work on hot and cold places- in particular Africa and the Polar Regions. Last half term, the main focus was Geography, Science and some DT. This half term, the focus will mostly be on Art, Music and History.

To start off, I want you to write down five things you learnt last half term about hot and cold places. This could be something about the human and physical features of Chereponi compared to Billinge, or facts about the plants or animals that can be found in these places. If anyone would like to email me their facts, I would LOVE to see what you have learnt so far.

To finish the Geography element of our topic, I have attached a map of Africa to this blog. Have a look and see what different countries make up this continent. Have you heard of any of these (other than Ghana) before? Can you identify which countries are in situated in the North, South, East and West of Africa? (Remember, we learnt about NSEW in our ‘Passport to the World’ topic back in Autumn term). Now, for a REAL challenge, I have also attached a blank map of Africa. I wonder if any of you would be able to fill in the blank version with the different countries you can remember. If anyone can get more than 10 right, I will be SO impressed!!

That’s all the topic work I am setting for you today children, but please remember as well as this, to spend some time reading and practising your times tables. If any of you have any books about hot or cold places then that would help to support your learning around this topic.

BBC bitesize  also have some nice daily lessons.  The Maths focus today is on finding a quarter of a shape and amount and Literacy is about identifying the 4 different sentence types and how to use these in your writing. This is especially important as we do lots of writing not only in our Literacy lessons but through our topic work too. (HINT: I will be setting you a writing task about visiting a hot place soon, so learning about this now will really help with that).



Finally, just for fun I have attached a ‘Guess the African Animal’ PowerPoint and a link to an episode of ‘Go Jetters’ from BBC Bitesize where they visit Africa. My Blake has recently started watching ‘Go Jetters’ and really enjoys it. He especially likes the theme tune! cheeky



Take care children. Have a wonderful day and I will write to you again tomorrow.


Mrs R heart

PS- Did anyone manage to make their own African Safari vehicle using objects from around the house? If so, please do email a photograph into school so I can see how you got on. J

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