Home School- Friday 3rd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 4:54pm

Hello Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week J Have you all been getting active with Joe Wicks in the mornings? Remember- physical activity is a great way to keep fit and is known to boost your brainpower as well as lift your mood!

I have been very busy with my Blake doing lots of dancing, singing, gardening, arts and crafts and baking amongst other things! I would love to hear about what you have all been up to. You can email school on stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk to share your news with us. You can even send some photos and Mrs Hymers may include them in our Learning from Home section of the newsletter.

How are you all getting on with your ‘space’ project work? Before school closed, we had carried out lots of research about Neil Armstrong’s life using non fiction books and the Internet to search for information. We produced some fantastic visual learning posters all about him and some super writing in the form of diary entries and biographies. In your home learning pack, there was a task to try and write a newspaper article about the first Lunar landing. Has anyone had a go at this yet? Remember, newspaper articles should:

  • have a catchy headline
  • be written in the third person and past tense
  • use formal language (so it doesn’t sound chatty)
  • stick to the facts
  • use the first paragraph to sum up the 5Ws (the who, what, when, where and why)
  • include a quotation from a source
  • include a photograph (picture) with a short caption
  • end by bringing the reader up to date

For more tips on how to write a super newspaper article, and to read an example of one about a dinosaur, check out: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-52317-y2-recounts-newspaper-reports-example-text. This website is full of lovely learning resources and is currently free for parents to access using the following details:  www.twinkl.co.uk/offer password: PARENTSTWINKLHELPS.

Now, today would have been our last day in school before we finished for the Easter holidays. We know how hard you have all been working at home, so we won’t be setting any new tasks for you to complete over the next two weeks. Enjoy a well-earned rest!

However, for those who want to keep busy,  I have set a Purple Mash learning task today which is to pretend that YOU are Neil Armstrong and create an interview style magazine article. Think back to when we have done ‘hot seating’ in school (when we pretended to be the gunpowder plotters) and try to answer the questions in role as Neil Armstrong. Remember to post your finished work on our Y2 display board so I can see it. Just click the 'share' icon. 

Finally, at the end of our topics, we always go back to our ‘KWL’ grids. These are grids that we fill out at the start of each topic where we write down anything we already know (K) and what we would like to find out (W). Today, we would have been writing what we have learnt (L), so I challenge you to have a go and write down 10 things that you have learnt about Neil Armstrong and the first Lunar landing over this last half term. Can anyone think of more than 10 facts? Can you remember any of the questions you wanted to investigate at the start of the topic? Some of your questions included: what food do astronauts eat? How long does it take to get to the Moon? Is the Moon made from cheese? What did Armstrong find on the Moon? How do astronauts breathe in space?

I would be very impressed if anyone has managed to find out the answers to any of these questions. Perhaps you could make a poster today to show what you have learnt and share it with your family?

Take care everyone and have a safe and enjoyable Easter holiday.

Mrs Ryan & The Y2 team