1st May Home School

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:33pm

Hello Year 2! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all well. I have been in school some of this week-it has been lovely to spend time with the children there. J

Mrs TD tells me she enjoyed speaking to you over the phone this week. We are both really proud of you and think that you (and your lovely parents) deserve a big pat on the back for all of your hard work! We know it can't be easy, but you are all doing a super job and being the best you can be. 

It has been lovely receiving emails from some of you this week and reading about what you have been up to. Remember, if you would like to get in touch with us then send an email to stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk 

How have you all been getting on with your research into Africa and The Polar Regions? If you remember, last week, I set you a task to try and find out about the different human and physical features that can be found in these places and create a poster to show your findings.  At the bottom of this blog, I have attached some of things I found out. Did any of you discover the same information? Did any of you find out anything different? What sorts of similarites and differences did you notice about these places? Which one would you most like to visit and why?


As part of our Computing work this term, we would have been creating African mosaic pictures. A mosaic is a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, or other materials.  I have attached some examples of African mosaics to this blog- have a look and see what you notice about the colours and patterns that have been used. Remember in Autumn term when we looked at the 7 elements of art: line, texture, colour, shape, space, value and form. Can you remember what each one refers to? What can you tell your family about the artistic elements used in the mosaic pictures attached?  I have set you some 2Dos On Purple Mash- to create some of your own African mosaics - have a go and see what you can create! Remember, you can share your work to our Y2 display board by clicking the 'share' icon. 


In our Geography lessons, we would have been starting to look at a small town in Ghana, Africa called Chereponi. Have any of you heard of this place before? I wonder if you could find Chereponi on a map of Ghana (see attachment at the end of this blog). Well, your task for this week is to try and research Chereponi and find out about some of its human and physical features such as its homes, schools, weather, amenities and land use. You could record your findings in the exercise book that was sent home in your packs. If you are able to print out any photographs, or draw some pictures of the things that would find in Chereponi that would be fabulous!

Please remember that you will need to ask an adult before using the Internet and remember to follow our SMART rules to stay safe online.



Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend! I will speak to you all next week.

Mrs Ryan heart

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