Home Learning - Week 9, Monday 15th June

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 3:33pm

Hello Year 1 and firstly, HUGE appologies for my lateness in logging on with your home learning. blush

I hope that you are all ready for a new week of home learning....I'm sure that you are!

So....our topic this final half term would be Seaside Holidays in the Past, still linking with the overall topic for the term on Holidays.  This is a very interesting topic and I am sure you are going to really enjoy it!

I have set you some Purple Mash work to do linking to this and would also like you to do some research of your own.  Using Google Safe Search, see what you can find out about seaside holidays in the past and then head over to our Blog page where I have set up a new section for us to add to.  I have also attached a powerpoint for you to look at below which should really help.

As well as this, I have set a new reading book and activities on Purple Mash.  This should be plenty to keep you going for the next day or two but keep an eye out as I will be adding more tomorrow for those of you who are getting through things.

Until tomorrow, take care and work hard!

Mrs Taylor x heart

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