Home learning

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 10:22am

Hello Reception,

Today is the first day of home learning for you all!

Why not start your day with a burst of energy and join in with Joe Wicks 'The Body Coach' for a daily PE lesson at 9am. All you have to do is search 'Joe Wicks' on YouTube. Let's keep our little body's moving!

We want to continue being super star readers and writers. Read as many books as you can with your grown ups. Can you find familiar sounds? Can you blend the sounds? Can you impress your grown ups and read a 2 syllable word? Remember to 'Chop' those longer words!!

Can you keep practising writing beautifully at home? Keep your robot arms moving and keep clapping,chomping and stomping those syllables. Don't forget your capital letters and full stops. 

You are very lucky that the sun is shining.   Now is the perfect time to plant our sunflower seeds. Promise me that you will take extra special care of our seeds and help them to grow into beautiful flowers. I cannot wait to see and hear all about them when we come back to school.

One last little idea from me....

Children all around the country are drawing pictures of rainbows and displaying them in their windows as a sign of happiness and hope. Can you create a beautiful rainbow?

Take care and I will see you all soon.

Mrs Amor
