Home Learning

Date: 22nd Mar 2020 @ 3:14pm

Good afternoon Year 3. I hope that you are enjoying your weekend. I'm messaging to remind you all that tomorrow is your first day of home learning and I hope that you are all keen to get started. laugh


Start your day with half an hour of exercise by tuning in to Joe Wicks' YouTube channel. Joe will be holding live PE lessons every morning from Mon- Fri at 9.00am in a bid to keep you active. Have a go! The exercise will wake you up. smiley

Remember that it is really important that you spend time each day learning your times tables. Use your time away from school wisely and you will soon become a Times Table Rock Star. Try to spend half an hour on either Times Tables Rock Star or Purple Mash - Table Toons.

Daily Reading - Either choose one of your home reader books or a book from Serial Mash (Purple Mash) and read at least a chapter. After you have read the chapter remember to complete the chapter review sheet that is in your pack.

Complete at least 2 pages from the Maths and English Activity Booklets sent home.

Spend at least half an hour doing some exercise once you have had your lunch. A healthy body is just as important as a healthy mind.

Finally, if you are up for it - why not start researching into your chosen area for your project work. 

Stay busy. Keep learning and I'll be in touch.

Mrs Hymers