Home Learning Week 3 Friday

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 5:32pm

Happy Friday Year 3.

Last day before the weekend. Work hard today and have a well deserved rest on Saturday and Sunday. 

A BIG SHOUT OUT TODAY for LIAM who, after learning that it was Shakespeare Week - from the class blog, decided to draw a picture of the man himself. This is a great picture Liam. Liam visited Shakespeare's birthplace in February this year and he sent me some photos of his trip, which I have uploaded onto this week's newsletter. Why not take a look.

It is lovely that some of you have been using your Purple Mash 2Do tasks to chat with me. I will always try to answer you, but sometimes it may take a while, as I am busy in school too.  smiley

I have set up a blog on Purple Mash for us all to share our work with each other and to communicate with each other. To read the blog go to Purple Mash home page. Select SHARING and then the SHARED BLOGS TAB. Select Year 3 and you will see a welcome from me. CLICK on the Welcome and you can read what I have to say.  You can then post a comment. You can also add your own news to the blog by clicking on the GREEN + SIGN. You can also watch help videos in the 2Blog section on Purple Mash. 

Today, I am going to try to ring all of your homes to have a chat with your parents to see how you are getting on during this difficult time and I may even have a chat with you too - so listen out for my call. If I don't call you today, I will ring one day next week. 


Purple Mash: Fossil Quiz - Well done to the Max, Harrison and Isla L who also managed to complete the Fossil Quiz - 16 children in the class have now completed the 2Do.

Purple Mash: Diary Entry - Shout out to Harry, Isla L, Sophia, Harrison, Molly, Max and Annabel who have all completed the diary entry task. I really enjoyed reading all about your Easters. Well done children. 

Rock Stars: We still have 5 children who have not yet logged into Rock Stars. Come on children the other children are leaving you behind. 

Friday's Bitesize Lessons:

English: Today's task is a reading activity based around some funny poems which I think you will enjoy listening to. One poem is about excuses for not doing your homework and you are asked to rank the excuses in order of best excuse to worst excuse. Have a go. Why not blog me with an excuse that you have made up for not doing your homework - be creative! Can you better the excuses in the poem?

Maths: Friday's task is always a problem solving task. It shouldn't take you long and then you can spend 10 mins on Rock Stars

The final task explores team work and there is an activity that asks you to think about what qualities you have that make you the amazing person you are. You could share some of these qualities on the new class blog.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs H