Home Learning, Week 9, Wednesday 17th Jun

Date: 16th Jun 2020 @ 3:50pm

Good morning Year 1 and it's Wednesday - not long until the weekend! yes

So...are you enjoying our new topic on seaside holidays in the past?  I was very impressed yesterday to see that Scarlett had been on the blog and answered the questions I had put on there.  If you pop on the blog and have a look, you will see that there were a couple of questions about bathing machines and the way in which people dressed on holiday many years ago.  I have just put a few new questions on, so have a look. cool  I've also attached another powerpoint for you to have a look at which gives a bit more detail than yesterday's powerpoint, on things like photography and entertainment.  Attached at the bottom are a couple of fact files for you to have a read of (they are all slightly different, depending on your reading ability so choose the one which best suits you).  It really is fascinating to see what life on holiday was like all those years ago.

BBC Bitesize:


Today's lesson is focusing on letter formation; correctly forming long ladder letters and using them in your writing.

This lesson includes:

  • a video introducing you to long ladder letters
  • three activities to do at home



Today it's all about learning how to share equally in twos, fives and tens.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • two activities

In our Literacy lessons this half term we would have been looking at poetry on the theme of summer.  I have attached a nice poem for you to read and would like you to have a go at completing your own mindmap all about summer. Tomorrow, we will be looking at writing an actual poem ourselves using the ideas from our mindmap.

Summer poems - YouTube


How many words can you think of to do with summer, eg suncream, holidays, a blazing, hot sunshine?  These are just some ideas.  See how many you can think of of your own.  Try really hard with your spellings.  Use your phonics to help you spell words and to keep being independent writers!  If you need an idea of how to set it out, I have attached an example sheet below for you to look at.

Purple Mash:

I have added a new chapter of the story book for you along with some more activities and then there is, as I said earlier, a couple of new questions for you to answer on the blog - seaside holidays in the past.

I will sign off now and wish you all a wonderful Wednesday, wherever you are and whoever you are with.

Take care lovely Year 1 and see you soon.

Mrs Taylor x heart


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