Home Learning, Week 9 Thursday 18th June

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 7:58pm

Good morning Year 1!  Today it is Thursday so I wonder if you can do something thoughtful today?

I hope that you are enjoying all of the work I have been setting this week, particularly the questions on seaside holidays in the past.  I have been delighted to see Scarlett, Oliver and Bobby answering my questions and therefore showing me that they are gaining lots of knowledge about how seaside holidays in the past were very different to today.

Today, if you pop onto our blog, you will see that the focus is on some activities from seaside holidays in the past that you might still see on  seaside holidays today.  Can you imagine what these things could be? I'll give you a clue - one of them involves an animal!  

BBC Bitesize:


One of our favourite parts of sentence writing is to use adjectives.  Today's lesson is all about being able to identify describing words (adjectives) and use them in your writing.

This lesson includes:

  • a introduction to describing words

  • three activities to do at home


Today's lesson focuses on learning about grouping equally in twos, fours, fives and tens.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • one interactive activity
  • one worksheet

Purple Mash:

On Purple Mash today, I have set you the next chapter plus activities of the book you have been looking at this week.  Also, there are a couple of activities relating to seaside holidays in the past so have a go at these too.

Summer Poetry:

Did you complete the summer mindmap from yesterday?  If so, then you will be able to use some of your ideas for your poem.  I would like you to have a go at writing an acrostic poem.  Can you remember how we set out an acrostic poem?  The poem will spell the word going downwards and then you have to think of words or phrases starting with each letter of the word.  I have started this poem off for you.  Using the worksheet attached below, see if you can finish it off.  Remember, use as many describing words (adjectives) as you can to make it interesting to read.

Sunbathing on a scorching, hot day, drinking an ice, cold drink






You will notice that there are some other templates for those of you who wish to challenge yourselves further.

Anyway, there's plenty for you to be getting on with for the next couple of days there, so I will say cheerio for the moment but will check in tomorrow to say hi.

Until then, have a lovely day and keep smiling, you lovely lot!

Mrs Taylor x heart


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