Home Learning, Week 9, Friday 19th June

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 8:05am

Good morning Year 1 and HAPPY FRIDAY TO YOU ALL!

Firstly this morning, I am going to start off with some SHOUT OUTS to Oliver and Scarlett for the lovely acrostic poems they emailed to school yesterday.  I have attached them at the bottom for you to have a look at.  They both used lovely, descriptive words and also used the correct layout for an acrostic poem.  Bobby has also been a busy bee at home, completing lovely work with his Mummy and Daddy.  Maddison sent me a lovely picture - of me!  THanks Maddison, I love the curly hair!  The emails you send in are great as it really shows how hard you are working and how amazing your parents are at putting in the time and helping you.  Well done everyone!

Seaside Holidays in the Past

Today there is a challenge for you, so head on over to Purple Mash and see if you can rise to this challenge!  It's do with beaches, men and ladies so good luck! 

Purple Mash:

I am really enjoying reading all of your comments on the class blog so keep them coming!  Next week, I will change the blog slightly, so look out for that.  For today, I've just added a couple of extra activites for you which should keep you going.


I have attached a seaside poem today, which is linked to our senses.  Have a read of it and then see if you can use the same structure and write your own.  I've also attached a worksheet template to help you.

BBC Bitesize:


Friday is challenge day on Bitesize Daily!  They've partnered with White Rose Maths to create a series of challenges to test your problem-solving skills. Each one gets a bit more difficult, so see how many you and your family can do together!


Using the book Spike: The Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles you will learn how to find information and use your imagination.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of TV presenter Naomi Wilkinson reading extracts from the book

  • three activities


This half term we would have been looking at Coding in Computing and therefore I would like you to have a look at the Coding section of Purple Mash.  There is a video for you to have a look at and then I have set you a couple of tasks.  I hope you enjoy them! 

I am going to sign off for now Year 1 and wish you all a lovely day and a wonderful weekend.  Until Monday, take care, keep smiling and remember how AMAZING you really are!

Mrs Taylor x heart


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