Home Learning Week 7 Wednesday

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 5:52pm

Good morning everyone.

We are now half way through the last week of school before our two week break.

Before I list today's tasks, I want to give a SHOUT OUT  to ADDIE who has responded to my Times Table call for the girls to challenge the boys on the leader board on Rock Stars. Addie has spent time today playing STUDIO games and has managed to move into 4th position on the class leader board with an average response time of 6.32 seconds. Come on girls - help her out and let's beat the boys! cheeky Another mention to LIAM who has managed to get his response time down to 4.62 from 5.13 seconds and EVAN who is now at 5.26 seconds - down from 6.9 seconds. Amazing boys! Well done. yes

Bitesize Daily Learning:

Maths: Looks at identifying unit and non unit fractions. I think this is too easy for you, so have a go at the fraction activities on Education City instead. I've attached them to today's blog for you. If you want to do the activity you can, but it won't take you very long.

English: Literacy is a little tricky today, but I'm sure that if you watch the teaching clips you will be able to complete the activities. Start the lesson with a Supermover Activity to get your brain and your body warmed up. This will refresh your memories about what a conjunction is and when we use them.

The aim of the lesson is to improve your sentence structure by joining a main clause and subordinate clause together using subordinating conjunctions. It does sound tricky, but it's not as hard as it looks. You will definitely need to use these in your writing next year, so this will be a great activity for you. I've attached a PowerPoint to the blog to help you to understand subordinating conjunctions a little better. CONJUNCTION JUNCTION on Education City will also help you.

Science: Explores friction. You did this with Mrs Platt before school closed. There are some games on Education City that explore friction further if you want to complete some additional activities.  Log on and select subjects - then Science - then Year 3 - then Forces and Magnets. Try Box Carts and the Speed Bumps Game. I think that you will enjoy these. smiley

Did any of you manage to do something kind for someone else yesterday? If you didn't - why not try to do a kind act today instead.  I've attached a card template that you could download and colour in to give to someone else.  It will make them smile and show them that you are thinking of them. laugh

I've also attached the Wednesday Word, for the next three weeks, to today's blog. It covers the weeks that school is closed for Whit. 

Enjoy your learning today. 

Take Care

Mrs H heart



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