Home Learning, Week 7, Day 5

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 7:45am

Happy happy Friday Year 1 - THE FASTEST DAY OF THE WEEK! laugh

So it's the end of another week of home learning and I know that many of you have been very very busy designing sandwiches, writing instructions and even making and eating silly sandwiches.  What a fun week!  I am thrilled with the photographs that have been emailed across to school and am hoping I've managed to share all of them on here throughout this week.  


Above, in the gallery, there are photos of Martha both preparing and then eating her silly sandwich.  From what I can see it had oreos, chocolate spread and smarties on it!  A chocolate feast which hopefully might keep those pesky seagulls away (unless they like chocolate, of course wink)  Well done Martha!  Stanley emailed his instructional writing across to school and I am super impressed with Stanley's neat letter formation and presentation.  He has clearly been working very hard indeed!  Well done, Stan!  Yesterday, we saw that Scarlett had got herself all prepared and ready for making the sandwiches and now we have photos (at the bottom of this page) of the end result - the silly sandwich!  Also, you will see Scarlett's very brave Daddy actually eating the sandwich, as promised!  IT HAD MUD AND GRASS IN IT!   YUK!  Scarlett's Daddy is very brave for doing that...unless he didn't actually swallow it....we will have to ask Scarlett! 

BBC Bitesize:


Using the book Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies you will learn how to get information from a text, sequence events and write an advice bubble.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos of footballer Jesse Lingard reading extracts from the book

  • three activities

*My little girl always seems to struggle with these sort of activities, saying that she cannot do it as hasn't read the book.  That doesn't matter though as it is about listening carefully to the two extracts (parts) from the book and getting as much information from them as you can.  Have a go at the three activities after you have watched the two videos and see how you get on.

Maths - Friday is Maths Challenge Day. Have a go at the problems.  Mrs Duffy is also setting extra maths activities for over the Whit holiday so there will be plenty more for you to have a go at! 

Music - This activity makes me smile!   It is all about learning to use make music from objects found at home.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • two activities to help with learning

I think you will love this one!  Enjoy, Year 1!

Purple Mash

Once again, it is time to look back on all of the Purple Mash activities and double check that you have completed as many of them as possible (or ALL of them) and then after Whit you will be ready to start again.  I will spend time over the next week making sure I have looked at all of the work and made comments for you to read.

Final Thoughts:

So, as I will not be blogging for the next two weeks, here are some things you can try to remember to do:

  • Read, read, read!  Everyday!
  • Writing - keep up with your handwriting.  Maybe try and write a couple of sentences everyday about something nice that you have done or something that has happened.
  • Maths - look out for Mrs Duffy's Maths Activities
  • Keep up with kindness - keep on showing those acts of kindness to people around you heart
  • Exercise - enjoy daily exercise either within your home or out with your family

Most important of all, keep smiling and stay safe. Keep Smiling!

Speak soon Year 1.

Love Mrs Taylor x heartNHS Rainbow Heart Stay Safe Coronavirus" Art Board Print by DBHCO ...