Home Learning, Week 7, Day 4

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 7:17am

Good morning Year 1 and a happy Thursday to you all!

I must start off my blog this morning by saying how thrilled I am with the work I have been receiving on Silly Sandwiches!  Not only the design sheets but also the instructional writing you have been doing to go with the design sheet.  It is wonderful to see people using time words such as first, next and after that.  You must have really concentrated when looking at the powerpoint I gave you to help you!  Let's have some shout outs!


A HUGE shout out today goes to Bobby for his book review on Guess How Much I Love You and his instructional writing for his silly sandwich.  I am particularly impressed, Bobby, with your neat letter formation and presentation.  You have obviously been keeping up with your writing so well done! 

My next shout out goes to Scarlett who has sent photos in of her getting ready to make her silly sandwich.  I was very impressed with the way things were laid out neatly and organised!  From what her Mummy said, she was hoping her Daddy would eat it once it was made.  Let's see if any photographs get sent across today with her Daddy and the silly sandwich! laugh

Oliver has been busy writing his silly sandwich instructions and also practising his spellings!  Well done Oliver, it is great to see you are working so hard!  

All of the work from the SHOUT OUT is displayed in the gallery above.  If you haven't sent any work in yet then send it across to school today and I will try and get yours in the gallery above before my last blog (for a week) tomorrow!

Today's learning:

BBC Bitesize:

English - to correctly write the days of the week in order and use them in writing.

This lesson includes:

  • a video introducing the days of the week
  • three activities to do at home

Mathsto learn how to compare the mass of objects using non-standard measures and use the language of heavier, lighter and equal to.

This lesson includes:

  • learning summary
  • two activities

ComputingLearn all about what goes into making a computer game and how algorithms work.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • two activities to help you learn more

Purple Mash

As well as the silly sandwich work and BBC Bitesize, there is a leaflet activity in Purple Mash today, asking you to create a leaflet all about Blackpool.  In your leaflet I want you to include bright, colourful pictures/photographs as well as lots of interesting facts about Blackpool.  What can you do there?  I cannot wait to see them, Year 1!  I have also set you a postcard task, asking you write a postcard as if you are on holiday in Blackpool.  What have you been doing and what is the weather like?  Below, I have included a powerpoint about how to write a postcard, to help you. 

I think that is all for the moment - you have got a lot to be getting through over the next two days and don't forget that all important exercise and time outside, particularly when the weather is so nice.

Have a lovely day Year 1.  Enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling! laugh

Love Mrs Taylor x heart





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