Home Learning, Week 7, Day 3

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 7:32am

Good morning Year 1!

Are you ready to Blog?  If you head over to the Blog on Purple Mash (Purple Mash, Computing, 2Blog) then you will see the new Blog I've set up for you.  A place to share news, photographs and just have a chat!  To start you off, I've added some photos which were sent to me by Martha, Alife Baker and Jessica!  Any work-related photos (eg Silly Sandwich worksheets, 3D Blackpool Towers or Seaside Collages) will be placed on the Year 1 page but any general photos can be placed on the blog.

Today is going to be a beautiful day and now that Mr Taylor is back at work frown my job this morning is to fill up the new paddling pool for my daughters.  I have told them though that they need to get their work done first this morning, then they can have an afternoon of splashing fun!  Maybe you could do the same?

Today's learning:

BBC Bitesize:

English - to understand how to correctly form one-armed robot letters and use them when writing description. This lesson includes:

  • a video introduction to one-armed robot letters

  • an introduction to describing words (adjectives)

  • three activities to do at home

Maths - in today's lesson learn how to solve problems involving length and height.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • two activities

Science - there is an interesting Science lesson today about the basic forces of push, pull and twist.  It looks really interesting!  Have a look at it! 

This lesson includes:

  • one video explaining the three forces
  • two activities

Silly Sandwiches:

Don't forget that I have set you three tasks this week relating to The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and Silly Sandwiches:

  1. Design your silly sandwich
  2. Write a set of instructions for  how to make your silly sandwich
  3. Make and EAT your silly sandwich

If you look below, you will see Jessica busy making her sandwich and even EATING IT!  It had silly string in it so I cannot imagine what it tasted like! cheeky laugh Well done to Georgia also who has sent some lovely photos of herself and her sister Anna, busy making their seaside collages and Blackpool Tower as well as Georgia's silly sandwich design sheet.  Martha has some lovely photos on our Blog but I've also posted on here her Silly Sandwich worksheets.  Well done all of you! 

I would also like you to spend some time reading a book today, maybe sat in the sunshine.  You could even post a photograph or yourself on our Blog, reading in an unusual place!  That would be fun!

Purple Mash

Keep on with the Purple Mash activities which are being uploaded; I am really enjoying seeing how hard you are all working Year 1!

I shall sign off now and wish you all a very happy, sunny Wednesday!

Until tomorrow, take care and stay safe always,

Love Mrs Taylor x heart



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