Home Learning, Week 7, Day 2

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:28am

Kindness starts with one... (fill in the... - The Random Acts of ...


Good morning Year 1!

Did you know that this week is National Kindness Week?  I would like you to really focus on this today and even though you are naturally a kind group of children, let's make some real effort this week to be extra kind.  On Purple Mash, I am going to set you a To Do where you can tell me what you've done this week to show your extra act of kindness.  I, myself, am going to make an extra effort to check on our elderly neighbours and am going to be sending some treats to my mum and dad who are what we call 'shielding.'  This means that they are unable to leave the house whilst the nasty virus is around.  We miss spending time with them so I want to tell them and show them how much they are loved and missed.

How are you getting on with your work this week?  Are you now checking that you are completing all of the Purple Mash work I have been setting?  I am sure you are as I have marked quite a lot this morning already!  You are shining stars!!! 

Silly Sandwiches

Yesterday, I asked you to try and get your design sheets done for your silly sandwiches and then sent over to school so I could have a look at them.  On the gallery at the top of the page, you should be able to see some of them which have been sent over.  Well done to Bobby, Scarlett and Stanley who are the first ones to create their designs and send them to school.  They look very silly indeed and should be perfect for keeping those pesky seagulls away!!!  I cannot wait to see any that are sent over today!

Once your designs have been done, I would like you to focus on writing a set of instructions of how to make your silly sandwich.  Below, I have attached a powerpoint about instructional writing.  Have a look at it and then see if you can write your own instructions, in your NEATEST handwriting, on a piece of lined paper.  Then email a photograph of it and send it to school.  I cannot wait to see all your neatest handwriting.  I have attached a sheet which you can use for writing on, if you are able to print it off.  If not, just use some paper of your own. yes  Remember, instructions should be clear and easy to follow.  Imagine that Mrs Grinling is going to be following your instructions! 

BBC Bitesize:

English - to understand how to correctly use full stops and capital letters when writing sentences that include joining words.

This lesson includes:

  • a short introduction to capital letters and full stops

  • a video explaining joining words

  • three activities to do at home

Maths - learn how to measure length using non-standard units, such as cubes, sticks or hand-spans.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • two activities

Reading - how many books have you read since learning from home?  I've attached a book review for you to complete today, so choose one of your favourite books which you have read for this task.  I'm looking forward to reading them! 

I am going to sign off for the moment as it's time for me to go and carry on with your reports.  I wonder who I will be writing about today......it could be YOU! wink

Enjoy your day and I will speak to you again tomorrow and don't forget.......................Why Random Acts of Kindness are Important - TeacupsAndTales

Mrs Taylor x heart

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