Home Learning, Week 7, Day 1

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 6:19am

Good Morning Year 1 and welcome to week 7 of home learning!

I hope that you are all had a lovely weekend with your families and that you are feeling positive and ready for another week of home learning!  If you had been in school, this would have been the last week before you broke up for your 2 week Whit Holiday. As you should be on holiday next week and the week after -  I won't blog or set any work, as it is holiday time, so this is the last week of work, before you can have a rest.  See if you can make this your best week yet!  Get through the tasks set, read every day (which I know lots of you are) and try and be as independent as possible!  YOU CAN DO IT!

BBC Bitesize:

English - to refresh your phonics knowledge and use it when writing sentences about a new book.

This lesson includes:

  • a game to help refresh your phonics skills

  • three activities to do at home

Maths - learn how to compare lengths and heights by using particular words to define the differences.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • one slideshow
  • two activities    

We have done this before, so hopefully you won't find it too challenging.

History - there is a history lesson on the website all to do with Queen Elizabeth I (the 1st).  This does not link in with our topic on holidays, Blackpool or The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, but will still be interesting to learn about as it's important history of our country, so have a go!

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

On Friday I set you the task of designing a 'silly sandwich' for Mr Grinling to put in his basket and stop the seagulls from trying to eat his delicious lunch (like Mrs Grinling did with the mustard sandwich in the story).  I gave you a design sheet where you can draw your picture of your sandwich and then write the list of ingredients underneath.  If you haven't done this then do it today as tomorrow I'm going to be asking you to write instructions of how to make your sandwich.  Once you have done the design sheet, ask a parent to email it over to school.  I cannot wait to see what silly ingredients you are thinking of putting into your silly sandwiches!!! cheeky

Purple Mash:

All the work that is being completed on Purple Mash is making my mouth water, with designing lunch menus, creating delicious sandwiches and describing your favourite fruits.  I can see that many of you have done what I asked and gone back to double check that you have completed as many of the tasks as possible!  Well done!  I am adding more today to keep you busy! 

I am going to sign off for the moment and wish you all a very happy day.  Remember that all important exercise today as well as your reading and work set.  You might like to do it before you sit down to work or prefer to do it in the afternoon once your work is complete.  It's entirely up to you. 

Until tomorrow, keep smiling, work hard and stay safe.

Mrs Taylor x heart