Home Learning Week 6 Thursday

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 11:33am

Good Morning Year 3.

It's nearly Friday - and then the weekend  - when you can all have a well deserved rest and I can have a lie in cheeky

Bitesize Daily Lessons:

English: Today's English lesson is tricky, but very, very useful. It's all about the homophones they're, their and there. Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings - like fur and fair. Fur is the covering that animals have. Fair is like a fairground with rides or about a situation being fair. Lots of you use they're, their and there incorrectly, so this activity will help you to understand the difference between them. I have also attached an additional activity to the blog if you would like to have a go. 

Education City also has several games to explore homophones. Try A-Boat Time 1 and A-Boat Time 2. I haven't set any Education City work yet, so why not have a change and try these out. You all have your passwords glued to the inside of your Home Learning Folder.

Maths: Today's focus challenges you to use the multiplication and division skills that you have gained over the last 2 days to solve problems. One of the activities is game based. Most of you enjoy computer games like Minecraft, so why not try today's activity. Are you up to taking on the Mysterious Mountains of Multiplication and the Dark Tower of Division? Game - Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica

Design Technology: Challenges you to use nets to create 3D shapes. Once you have completed the first challenge, you are then challenged to design a holder for your mum or dad's phone or tablet. If you complete this challenge, send me some photos of your designs to share on our daily website blog.

If you enjoyed the 3D net activity, I have attached another activity to today's blog. This activity is about using nets to make 3D animals. I think that you will enjoy this. Why not have a go!

Finally a couple of reminders:

  • Read for half an hour every day.  Try to read a non fiction book next.
  • Times Tables - 15 minutes a day. Focus on 2s, 3s, 4s, 10s and 11s. If you can do these - then 8s are next.
  • Try to design and build your own sculpture - like Gormley did - although maybe not as big as The Angel of the North!  wink You all love art when we do this as a class and you were so excited about making your own sculptures before school closed.  Don't let being at home put you off. 
  • Don't forget your Ancient Greek project. You should have started by now. 

SHOUT OUT TODAY for Evan who has worked so hard on Rock Stars that he is now the highest placed Y3 player on the Rock Stars' Leaderboard with an average response time of 5.17 seconds. Well done Evan. You are now a Breakthrough Artist. yes To get onto the leaderboard you have to play the STUDIO game. Every time you play 10 games in this mode it finds an average response time for you. This is the time that is used to place you on the leaderboard. Why not try it Y3 - it would be great to get more Y3s onto the board. 

p.s. I have attached this week's Wednesday Word for those of you who enjoy reading the scripture and completing the activities. 

p.p.s I was telling Miss Gradwell about some of your Stonehenge work yesterday and she was thrilled, as learning about Stonehenge is one of the first topic activities that you do in Y4 - so you will already know lots. smiley

Keep up the good work everyone. I hope to see you all soon.

Mrs H heart

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