Home Learning Week 6 Wednesday
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 9:58am
Hello Y3
How are you all? I have been busy reading your 2do Emails today and it does sound like lots of you had a lovely VE Day. If you haven't managed to send me an email yet, why not complete the 2Do today? It won't take you long.
Joseph, it was lovely to see your photos on our class blog on Purple Mash, of the special tea that you made your nan and great nan on VE Day. I bet they were delighted and very surprised. It was also nice to welcome Jacob R to our blog too. Remember children, that our blog on Purple Mash is a great way to chat with each other. Why not spend some time looking at the posts and photographs that are on there.
Bitesize Daily Learning:
English: Today's lesson is all about using proof reading to improve your writing.
Maths: Yesterday you learned how to multiply TU X U using formal methods. Today you will be looking at division. You will revise how to use arrays and number lines and then you will be introduced to short division using - what we call - the bus stop method. This is the method used in Y4 and it is quite tricky, so it would be good to learn the method now whilst you are home and your adults can help you.
Science: The Science activities today sound great fun. There is a sorting activity and a quiz. You are also encouraged to go on a spider safari. The focus of the lesson is to learn all about vertebrates and invertebrates. If you haven't got a clue about what these are - try the lesson and you soon will.
If any of you enjoy the Science lesson - why not extend your learning further by accessing the home learning hub at Knowsley Safari Park https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/explore/home-school-safari. There are lots of activities to take part in, but if you select the topic CLASSIFICATION there are lots of clips about the different invertebrates and vertebrates that you will find at the park. They are really interesting.
Have any of you seen the blog by Miss Gradwell? It is about a great competition that I am sure many of you will enjoy. All you have to do is to design a book token to be used for World Book Day. There will be winners chosen every day and you can win a £10 book voucher not only for yourself BUT FOR ALL OF YOUR CLASSMATES TOO! How fantastic would that be?
Don't forget your sculpture challenge that I set you yesterday - using Gormley's work as your inspiration.
Don't forget to read for half an hour every day.
And finally to end today's blog I have a BIG SHOUT OUT for Liam for this fantastic work on Stonehenge. It is great to see that you enjoyed the task Liam and that you used the template to make the model. Well done.
Speak to you all tomorrow.
Take care
Mrs H