Home Learning Week 6 Monday
Date: 9th May 2020 @ 8:28pm
Good Morning everyone
I hope that you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend and that you enjoyed your VE Day celebrations.
Bitesize Daily Learning:
English: Learn how to improve your writing by using similes and metaphors. There is a video clip to explain what similes and metaphors are and then there are 3 activities for you to try.
Maths: Multiplying and dividing by 8. This is a target for you all to achieve (if possible) by the end of Year 3.
History: Learn all about Stonehenge - one of the world's best known landmarks. (I think that you may actually get the opportunity to build your own Stonehenge in Y4) One of the tasks is to create a Stonehenge Fact File. If you like a challenge, why not create a PowerPoint about Stonehenge and send it in to me (like Harry did with his Greek Project) and I will attach it to our blog. You can also download your own Stonehenge model to build from Bitesize. I have attached it to the blog in case it is easier for you to download from here.
Don't forget that I have also set you a 2Do on Purple Mash. I have asked you to send me an email - using the template provided - telling me all about how you spent VE Day.
SHOUT OUTS - Harry has made a super PowerPoint all about the Ancient Olympics. He hasn't used PowerPoint before, so I am really impressed with his slide show. I have attached Harry's work to the blog for you all to see.
Mrs Hymers has become the first person in the school to become a Times Tables HERO on Rockstars. This means that I can answer every question in less than 1 second. I think that I now need to retire, as I am not sure that my heart can take any more excitement as it thuds really hard and fast when I see the time ticking down. I am much older than you children, so I don't expect you to become a HERO - well not until Y6 anyway Your target is to answer every question in 6 seconds and under. If you can achieve this goal - then I will be so proud of you all.
Annabel I am so proud of Annabel. She can now answer xtable questions, for all xtables - except 8s and 9s - in under 4 seconds.
Tyler you are getting so close to that 6 second target. You just need to speed up on your 6s, 7s and 12s and you will reach your 6 second target.
Louie you are also getting so close too. You just need to speed up on you 4s, 6s and 9s and you too will reach that 6 second target.
Finally, before I sign off - just a couple of reminders:
- You should be reading for half an hour every day. If using Purple Mash - try to complete the end of chapter tasks that go with each book.
- Spellings are important too. I attached a list of spellings to our blog on Week 4 Thursday. These are spellings that you are expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 4. It would be very useful if you tried to learn 1 of these words every day. You will be surprised by how quickly you move through the list.
- Timestables - Try to spend at least 15mins every day learning your x tables. If you don't like Rockstars, there are activity sheets in your home learning pack or there are lots of other online games to play - including games on Purple Mash. If the weather is nice, you could even write them in chalk on the pavements outside. Try to focus on 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 8s, 10s and 11s.
That's all for now children.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs H