Home Learning, Week 6, Day 3

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 11:59am

Good morning Year 1

Apologies for my late blogging today, I am in school today, tomorrow and Friday, working with children whose parents have gone to work.  I am with Key Stage 2 and we have been celebrating National Nurses week by making prayer hearts to go into a prayer wreath.  The children have written some lovely prayers.

So...how are you all feeling today?  The weather is much nicer today so I can imagine many of you have already been in your garden this morning, enjoying playing outside or doing your morning exercise.  It makes you feel much happier when the sun shines, don't you agree?

How are you getting on with your 3D Blackpool Tower sculptures and seaside collages?  I was delighted to receive Scarlett's this morning which was sent into school.  It would be great if they could be sent into school by Friday but if you would like a bit more time, then please just let me know and we can save the gallery of them all until next week.  

Purple Mash

I asked you yesterday to check that you have completed as many of the Purple Mash activities as possible.  I am now ready to add more today, so look out for them and make a start, if you're ready.

How many of you have started writing your sentences to match the pictures I gave you of Blackpool?  If you've any work to share, then please take a photo of it and send it to school.  You never know, you might get a mention on the newsletter and I will certainly share your work here on the blog.

BBC Bitesize:

English - all about letter formation of zig zag letters when writing short sentences.  Have a go as letter formation is always something we can always be trying to improve.

Maths - Mrs Duffy is busy here today working on coin recognition with the children.  How good are you at recognising each of the coins?  Do you know their value?

Science - There is a lesson today on animal groups which is worth having a look at.

I am going to dash off now as it is lunchtime but I will add some shout outs onto the blog this afternoon.

Speak soon,

Mrs Taylor heart