Home Learning, Week 6, Day 2

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:40am

Good morning Year 1 and a very happy Tuesday to you all

Gosh, it seems such a long time since we were last together and I cannot believe that we are now in week 6 of home learning.  How are you all feeling?  Maybe you are starting to feel a bit fed up at home now and longing to see your friends and for life to get back to normal. frown  These feelings are completely normal and even grown ups are feeling the same right now.  However, what's important is that we stay positive, keep smiling and do the very best that we can.  That means keeping up with your work at home, especially english, maths, reading and phonics.  This will help you for when you are in Year 2 next year. yes  It also means finding time to do things that make you happy.  Maybe that is colouring in, playing in your garden or even baking with someone in your family.  You can do it Year 1, I know you can!!!  SO KEEP ON GOING - YOU'RE ALL AMAZING!

Today's Learning:

English: Today's BBC Bitesize lesson is about using the conjunction 'and'.  You will have no problems with this!

Maths: Keep on practising learning about money.  Have you made your shop or bank yet?  Are you learning what the different values of the different coins are? Keep on with this! 

Seaside Collages:  How many of you have made your seaside collage yet?  Remember, I said that you can make it out of any materials you think are suitable.  I have received one so far from Bobby and it is FANTASTIC!  Take a look at the gallery above for a picture of it.

Blackpool Tower 3D Sculpture:  I have now received a couple of these and they are looking amazing!  Scarlett and Bobby's pictures are in the gallery above.  They might inspire you to get yours finished.  I am hoping to put on a display of them all by this Friday (15th).

I school this week, I am going to be working with the children on sentence construction; trying to write the very best sentences we can, remembering all of these all important things:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • finger spaces
  • conjunctions (and, but, because, if, so, then)
  • adjectives (describing words, eg sparkly, grey, shiny)

You have done a lot of work on the computer since home learning started six weeks ago, but we need to make sure that we keep up with our sentence construction, letter formation and presentation of work.  Therefore, here is your writing challenge:


BLACKPOOL Blackpool Tower - WikipediaExplore: Blackpool Zoo - Eat Explore EtcBlackpool Pleasure Beach - Essex Ghost HuntersBlackpool Illuminations: Everything you need to know - CBBC Newsround

Look at the pictures of Blackpool above and use these to help you write a non-chronological report about the seaside town.  Try and include all of these landmarks in your report.

Below, I have attached a checklist of what you need to include in your report as well as an example of a powerpoint all about how to write a non-chronological report.  This report is about guinea pigs but you will write yours about Blackpool.

Purple Mash

Please can you check that you have completed as many of the tasks set as possible, before I set any more.  I will then add more tomorrow.

I think that's a lot to think about for today. laugh  So, remember what I said about working hard and staying positive and that you are all superstars! 

Until tomorrow, stay safe and keep smiling.

Mrs Taylor x heart




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