Home Learning, Week 6, Day 1

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 6:32am

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to week 6 of home learning!

I hope that you all had a wonderul, long weekend with your families and had lots of fun celebrating VE Day last Friday.  I am looking forward to hearing all about your day when you complete the new blog on Purple Mash - I'll tell you more about that in a bit.

Today's learning:

BBC Bitesize - English.  This is a phonics lesson with a game and then activities for you to complete.  I have had a look at it and think you will like it.  It's great fun!

Maths - if you look at Mrs Duffy's blog on here, you will see that she has set you a maths challenge all to do with money.  It is to see if you can recognise all of the different coins and notes and understand their values i.e. how many pennies each coin is worth.  Mrs Duffy is setting up a shop and a bank in school this week; maybe you could do the same?

Geography - human and physical features.  If we were in school this week, this is what we would have been learning about.  I have attached a powerpoint at the bottom of this page to explain what these words mean and then attached a worksheet for you to have a go at.  If you are unable to print at home then please don't worry - you can just write / draw your answers on a sheet of paper and email it to school, if you want me to see the work.  yes

Blackpool Quiz - I have also attached a quiz for you to have a go at to see how much you now know about Blackpool.  Try and have a go first without asking anyone the answers or researching on the internet.  Once the quiz is completed, you could carry out research on any of the questions which you were unable to anwer.  Once you've got all the answers you could give the quiz to a member of you family and see how well they know Blackpool! wink

Purple Mash - there are new activites on here for today and as I said earlier, there is a new blog for you to complete.  It's called VE Day - how did you celebrate?  Can you write a blog telling me how you celebrated VE Day last week?  I have put some questions in the blog to help you decide what you want to write.  Don't forget that all important punctuation and remember to read your work back once it's finished to make sure that it makes sense! yes

Before your work begins, have a good breakfast, maybe take a little exercise and then you are fresh and ready to face your work with your big brains buzzing!

Until tomorrow, have a lovely day and stay safe.

Mrs Taylor x heart                         Motivational Quotes – A Happy Monday Morning Reminder #quotes




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