Home Learning Week 5 Wednesday

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 4:21pm

Hello Year 3

Is it really Wednesday already? How quickly time flies. Why not start the day with some exercise? Have a change from Joe Wicks and try Supermovers - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2. Why not select the English box and try either Noun Phrases or Inverted Commas. These have been the focus of your Bitesize English tasks this week, so it would be a great way to reinforce your learning. 

Friday - VE Day - is getting closer! Have you managed to complete any of the VE Day tasks attached to Monday's blog? Let me know which ones you have completed.

Bitesize Daily Learning Tasks: ( Remember you only need to choose 2 activities if you are going to spend time learning about VE Day.)

Maths: Yesterday you added money. Today is about subtracting money. Why not set up a pretend shop and 'go shopping' so that you can total up the items that you have bought and then work out the change you will get from £10  £30 and £50

English: The task today explores the genre of a RECOUNT. A recount retells an event. You could create your own recount of what you and your family did to celebrate VE Day.

Science: Plants are the focus of today's lesson. Do you know what plants need to survive? Why not buy a packet of seeds and grow your own plant/flower? Take photographs and make a record of how your plant grows/changes over time. 

If you enjoy Maths, why not try the Maths game that is on the Bitesize Website.

Click to play the game and defend Mathematica

Reading: I can't stress enough how important it is that you keep reading every day. It doesn't have to be in the day time, you could read before you go to bed at night. You need to try to read for half an hour every day. Being able to read well will help you to become independent in your learning in Y4. There are lots of books to choose from on Purple Mash or you can always read a book of your own. Try to read different types of books - don't stick to the same author or text type. Try poetry, fact books and other non fiction books as well as stories. If you do read a book from Purple Mash, remember to complete the end of chapter activities that are online. I have attached a book review that you could complete if you are reading your own book. I have attached a fiction and a non fiction response booklet. 

NHS Competition Reminder: Are any of you entering the NHS Competition that Mrs Naylor uploaded? I really hope you are, as many of you are so creative. The closing date is 19th June, so you have plenty of time. Look back at Mrs Naylor's Entry Guidance to find out all about the competition. 

Have a good day everyone. Stay safe. Be good for your adults and work hard. angel

Take care

Mrs H heart

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