Home Learning Week 5 Tuesday
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 1:54pm
Good Morning Everyone
I hope that you are all well. Only a short blog today, as I said lots yesterday.
Did any of you make a start with the VE Day activities that I attached yesterday? Do you now know a little more about this special day that the whole of our country is going to spend time remembering this week - especially on Friday and over the weekend?
BBC Bitesize Home Learning: Just like yesterday - you only need to complete the Maths and English tasks today if you are going to spend time this afternoon completing some of the VE Day activities.
Maths: Today's activity is all about adding money.
English: Expanded Noun Phrases are the focus of today's lesson. This is a really useful activity, as including expanded noun phrases in your writing is one the easiest ways of improving the quality of your work.
Geography: (You don't need to complete this task if you are learning about VE Day) This lesson continues to build upon your developing map work skills that you have been introduced to over the last 2 weeks. Today's lesson explores the different time zones in the world. Have you ever wondered why some countries are before us in time and some behind? Why not try this lesson and find out!
SHOUT OUTS TODAY go to Tyler and Annabel for their fantastic times tables work. Last week, I set all of your tables on Rock Stars to 2s,3s,4s,5s,10s and 11s and they will stay set this way for the next few weeks, so that you can focus on these times tables rather than answering questions on them all.
Tyler can now answer xtable questions on ALL of the above tables in less than 6 seconds per question.
Annabel can answer x table questions on ALL of the above tables in less than 5 seconds per question.
Well done to both children. Remember that the target for the Times Tables Test at the end of Year 4 is to answer each question in 6 seconds and under.
Another times tables SHOUT OUT goes to Harriet who is trying really hard to learn her 4 x tables. Harriet has an average response time of 6.18secs when answering questions on her 4 x tables. I am so proud of you Harriet.
A final SHOUT OUT and WELL DONE to Olivia M who has sent in her work on the Cyclops.
Keep working hard Y3 and hopefully I will see you before too long. Take care
Mrs H