Home Learning Week 5 Thursday

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:26pm

Good morning Year 3. 

What lovely weather we are having. Are you making the most of the sunshine by taking time to exercise outside in the sun? Why not go on a long bike ride or create your own obstacle course in the garden. I know that some of you went for a little walk to Avon Road yesterday to meet the heroes that came to visit you from school. I hope that you enjoyed meeting the characters and that they made you smile laugh

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It is good to see you all happy and well.

This is the last day before VE Day, so why not spend the day getting ready for a VE Day party in your garden. Max has completed the Morse Code challenge that I uploaded on Monday and he has used the class blog to set you all a puzzle. Have a look at the blog and see if you can be the first to solve it.

If you haven't tried any of the resources that I attached on Monday, why not try a couple of them today. There are lots of fun things to try. 

SHOUT OUTS TODAY go to Harry and Louie. Remember our times table challenge - to answer questions on the 2s, 3's,4's, 5s, 10s and 11s in less than 6 seconds. Well Harry and Louie can answer them all in less than 6 seconds with the exception of their 4xtables. Keep going boys. You will get there. yes

A MASSIVE SHOUT OUT TO ANNABEL who can answer questions on ALL times tables in under 5 seconds. You are definitely a times tables star Annabel. laugh

Bitesize Daily Learning:

English; A chance to develop your reading comprehension skills with a series of activities

Maths: An opportunity to improve your multiplying and dividing by 3 skills

Computing:  How do we get computers to do what we want? Exploring programing and sequencing. I think that you will really enjoy these tasks

Have a good day everyone. Work hard, but have fun learning.

Stay safe

Mrs H heart

p.s I've attached Wednesday Word to the blog today for those of you who enjoy the activities.

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