Home Learning, Week 5, Monday 4th May 2020

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 10:33am

Good Morning Year 1!

I hope that you have all  had a lovely weekend with your families and are ready for another weekend of home learning - week 5! 

VE Day

If we had been in school this week then we would have been learning all about VE Day.  I have attached a powerpoint along with some other documents for you to look at and enjoy at home.  The attached powerpoint tells you all about VE Day and why it is celebrated.  On Friday, school is closed to everyone, as Friday is a special day when the whole of our country would have come together to celebrate this special day in our country's history.  If we had been in school, we were going to have a VE Day Party on the playground and listen to music from the war time.  I would have even taught us a song called 'We'll Meet Again' by a very famous singer called Vera Lynn for us to sing together.  Instead, why don't you consider having your own little party at home with your families.  You could decorate your gardens and have a picnic of sandwiches and scones or other delicious cakes!  I have attached some things for you to have a look at to learn more about the day along with some bunting templates for you to colour in, which could be hung up around you garden.  The weather is going to be nice and warm and sunny so send me some pictures in next week of what you get up to!


HUGE thanks to Ewan, Stanley and Alfie Baker for sending in photos of what they've been up to at home! They are at the top of this page for you to have a look at.  It is wonderful to see the wonderful work and activities you are all enjoying at home.   Keep them coming in!


I have attached a new photo to the Blackpool Blog today for you to have a look at and do some research on.  I can't wait to see what you find out about it! yes


BBC Bitesize are continuing to upload lessons for you to enjoy.  Today's literacy (english) lesson is about phonics and there are some fun activities to accompany the lesson, then the maths is all about number bonds.  Have a go at them.


I am steadily making my through all the work that has been completed on Purple Mash; well done to those of you who are submitting your work to me and just to say that I LOVE reading all of your little comments which you attach to your work.  They really make me smile! laugh  I will be adding some more activities for you to enjoy, this morning.

One last thing, if you wanted to listen to the song I mentioned earlier, here is the link which will take you to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsM_VmN6ytk  Play it with you families and maybe try and learn the words this week (or at least some of them) then you can sing it on VE Day, this Friday.

I will sign off for now and wish you all a happy day.  Don't forget that all important exercise and time outside in your gardens - it looks like it might be a nice, sunny afternoon! smiley

Until tomorrow, take care.

Mrs Taylor heart x 


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