Home Learning, Week 5, Day 4

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 9:39am

Good morning Year 1!

How are you all feeling on this beautiful, sunny Thursday morning?  Do you know that tomorrow is VE Day?  I'm sure you've all had a chat with your families by now, have maybe done a few VE Day activites and are now aware of what exactly VE Day is all about.  Mr Taylor is outside as I type this, putting our bunting up ready for tomorrow! Buy VE Day Bunting | The Cotton Bunting Company


A very big shout out to Jessica this morning who is feeling very proud of herself after learning to ride her bike this week, without stabilisers!  Isn't that FANTASTIC!!  I'm sure that Jess is now excited to join her big sister Olivia, Mummy and Daddy on a bike ride! Ride safely Jess and enjoy!  

Oliver and Scarlett were correct yesterday in naming the mystery animals on the blog - they were orangutans!  These can be found in Blackpool Zoo where I am sure many of you have visited.  Such funny looking animals - they make me laugh! laugh  I wonder if any of you could find out more information about Blackpool Zoo and post it on the Blackpool Blog?  How many years has it been open?  How many animals are in the zoo?  These are just ideas of the things which you could find out.  Talking of Blackpool, how are your 3D towers coming along?  Alfie Baker and Jessica are in the middle of creating theirs.  Their Mummies have sent some fabulous photos over via email, of the work in progress.  This means they are not yet finished but it's been great to see the different materials and objects that Alfie and Jess are using to create the 3D sculpture!

BBC Bitesize: 

English: - today's lesson is a reading lesson.  It looks good!

Maths - Add more and count on.

Computing - what is computer coding?


I said to your earlier in the week that I was going to talk to you today about how to create a collage.  Many of you may now have completed your seaside pictures (don't forget to send them into school via the school email address, if you can) and so now I would like you to have a go at creating a seaside collage.  Here is a website link which explains more about how to create a landscape collage: 


Once you have watched this, have a think about the kinds of materials you want to use in order to get the most effect.  Here are some examples below to give you inspiration:


Seaside Texture Collage - My Kid Craft     Seaside CollagesSeaside Freeze - My Kid Craft

Once your collages are complete, once again, send them into school via the school email and then I will make a gallery display of all your creations so you can see each other's.  This activity is making me feel all warm and happy inside! smiley

Purple Mash

As it is VE Day tomorrow and a Bank Holiday, you can have a day off from home learning.  I'm sure you are all going to be spending time with your families, enjoying this beautiful weather.  However, if you were wanting more work!!! wink then write a recount of your VE Day celebration, continue making your 3D Blackpool Tower sculpture, the seaside picture and the seaside collage.  There's lots to keep you busy! 

Right, I am going to sign off now and go and see how Mr Taylor is doing with your bunting - he is up a high ladder and Pearly May is holding the ladder for him - all has been quiet so I'm sure he's ok but I'd better go and check to make sure!  

Until next week, take care, stay safe and enjoy your day and weekend my lovely Year 1's.

Mrs Taylor x heart