Home Learning, Week 5, Day 3

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:04am

Good morning Year 1 and happy Wednesday to you all! 

I hope that you are all feeling happy on this sunny day.  Remember, if you are getting some exercise outside or playing in your garden today, then don't forget to apply that all important sun cream to protect your skin.


I was delighted to hear from Jessica and Scarlett yesterday on our Year 1 Blackpool Blog.  They both knew that the photograph I uploaded was that of The Big One - a HUGE rollercoaster at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach theme park in Blackpool.  Jessica said that her Daddy would never go on it and Scarlett said her Mummy wouldn't either.  Guess what girls, neither would I!!! surprise  There is another photo for you to look at today - it's a funny one.  I'm looking forward to seeing who can answer my question and tell me more about the mystery place. yes

I am wondering today how you are all getting on with your home learning?  For those of you who are finding it a bit tricky, let me give you a bit of an idea of what you should be trying to do each day:

  • daily exercise (Joe Wicks/exercise in your garden/Just Dance/football skills
  • daily reading - this can be reading to your Mummy or Daddy or even your brother or sister
  • phonics - this can be done via websites that have games like Phonics Play
  • an english (literacy) activity involving writing
  • a maths (numeracy) activity involving numbers
  • another activity such as art, DT, baking  which involves you using your creativity skills

How many of you have started your seaside picture which I've asked you to do and send into school?  Tomorrow, I am going to be giving you a new challenge, creating a seaside picture using a specific technique called collage.  I cannot wait to show it to you and explain how it can be achieved.  You can then have a go at it and then compare your two pictures afterwards.

BHA calls for 'Seaside Tsar' to save 'forgotten' coastal towns

How many of you have started your 3D Blackpool Tower?  I cannot wait to have a look at them!  Once they have been sent in, I'm going to create a gallery of pictures so you can see each other's.  Think about it's structure, it's colours and the different levels within it.          

Purple Mash:

I've uploaded some more Purple Mash activities for you today, so keep on with them.  You are doing great! 

BBC Bitesize:

Today's BBC Bitesize lessons focus on letter formation (english) and adding numbers together (maths).  There is also a science lesson on the basic parts of a plant.  Mrs Duffy would be delighted to see you having a go at the science lesson as well as the english and maths. wink

VE Day:

The weather is looking lovely for VE Day so don't forget some picnic/party planning too!

Right, I will sign off for today as I am off to record a song which I've been asked to sing for my church for VE Day on Friday.   Modern Music Notes Vector Pack - Download Free Vectors, Clipart ...

Have a lovely day everyone.  Keep smiling, work hard and stay safe.

Until tomorrow,

Mrs Taylor x heart


Blackpool Tower: an insider's guide - Discover Britain