Home Learning Week 4 Tuesday

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 9:25pm

Is it morning again Year 3? How quickly time flies. 

I hope that you and your families are staying well. 

Did any of you read Mrs Naylor's blog about the NHS Competition? I do hope that some of you decide to take part. Let me know if you are and tell me all about what you did.

Bitesize Daily lessons today focus on:

Maths - Using column subtraction to take away 3 digit numbers. Many of you found this difficult when you tried to use this method to take away amounts of money. This will be a great opportunity for you to try the method again. The videos will help you. You will use this method in Y4.

Literacy - The focus today is on revising the key features of a sentence.

Geography - This lesson builds on last week's map work lesson by exploring keys, symbols and contour lines on a map.

Remember try to have a go on Rock Stars  - you only need to do 5 mins a day. smiley

You should be on your 4th reading book by now. Remember to use the titles on Serial Mash and try the activities at the end of every chapter. 

Finally, how are you getting on with your project that I set you when school first closed?  Have you made a start or have you forgotten? The information is in your pack. Molly sent me a photograph of her project via email yesterday and I was really impressed. Molly has chosen to find out about the Ancient Olympic Games and has presented her findings in a Big Book. Doesn't it look great! I can't wait to read it when we all come back to school.

That's all for now. Take care everyone.

Mrs Hymers heart