Home Learning Week 4 Thursday

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 3:47pm

Morning everyone. I hope that you are all well. 

I've set you a 2Do to complete over the next week that is linked to our Ancient Greek Topic. I want you to find out who/what the Cyclops was and then using Purple Mash, draw your own Cyclops for me. I hope that you all enjoy doing this task. If you do, you could build your own 3D Cyclops using boxes, bottles etc and when we reopen we could display them in class. If you do create a 3D model - send me a photograph (stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk) and I will include it in our weekly newsletter. 

Did any of you try BBC Supermovers yesterday? Did you enjoy it? Why not try one linked to Literacy today - The Fact and Opinion clip will help to improve your reading comprehension skills as well as keep you fit yes

Bitesize Daily

Today's tasks are:

Maths: You have spent the week so far using the column method to add and subtract 3 digit numbers. Now apply these skills to solving problems.

Literacy: Yesterday you learned about using apostrophes to join 2 words together e.g. did not = didn't. Today you will learn how to use an apostrophe to show ownership  e.g. Kate's book = the book belongs to Kate

Religion: We don't learn about Islam in our Other Faiths work as we learn about Hinduism and Judaism instead, so this will be completely new knowledge for you. If you find out anything interesting, let me know. You could record it in your notebook (in your pack) and take a photograph to send to me.

If you are fed up with online learning, why not spend time on your Ancient Greek project or complete some of the tasks in the booklets in your Home Learning Folder.

If you have completed your packs or you want to try something different, I have attached a work booklet all about Data and I have attached a list of common exception words for Y3 and Y4 that you should be able to spell by the end of Y4. We had started to learn many of these spellings in your weekly spelling tests. Challenge yourself to learn 2 new words a day. Tomorrow I will attach some spelling activity sheets that focus on these words.

Please do try to read for half an hour a day. You could read before bedtime to help you to relax before you go to sleep and if you don't fancy Rock Stars today, why not chant your tables out with an adult or write them out in chalk on the pavement or garden path.

Thank you to those children who have blogged. It is lovely to read your comments and to see you talking to each other via the blog too. smiley

p.s. You can also learn lots  whilst doing every day things e.g. if you are baking - can you follow the recipe? Can you accurately read the scales and weigh the ingredients? Can you time how long it takes to bake your cakes? Can you tie your shoe laces? Can you tell the time? Play pretend shops and work out change and shopping bill totals. Work out the perimeter of your garden by measuring it accurately all the way around the edge and then add the measurements together. This is all learning and these are really important life skills.


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