Home Learning Week 4 Monday

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:33pm

Good Morning Year 3

I had a lovely Friday in school last week ringing you all up and having a chat with you all. (Joseph, Kaitlyn, Sophie and Olivia B - I did try lots of times, but no-one answered my call. I will try again in a week when I am back in school. Message me on our class blog to let me know that you are all okay smiley )

It was lovely to hear that you are all safe and well and that you are trying hard with your work. Remember to tell your grown ups what a wonderful job they are doing, as it is very hard trying to be a teacher as well as a parent. 

Tasks for Today:

Bitesize Daily

When I spoke to your parents, many of them said that you enjoyed learning from Bitesize Daily as the video clips helped you to understand what you needed to do and the activities didn't take too long to complete.

Literacy: Today's focus is on adverbs. Remember that we use adverbs to add more detail to verbs. Watch the clips and then try the tasks. Adverbs definitely make your writing more interesting.

Maths: Today the focus is on using column addition to add together 3 digit numbers. You used this method at the beginning of Y3, but it has been a while, so you may have forgotten.  Try to complete the tasks as this is the method that you will use in Y4, so the work will certainly help you. If you have a ruler, why not use it as a number line to save you making silly mistakes when adding the numbers together.

History: Prehistoric Britain. We don't study this area of history in Y3 at our school, as we explore the Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek Worlds. It wouldn't hurt you to explore this topic, as this is the first history topic that you will learn about in Y4, so it will definitely help you next year.

5 mins on Rockstars. 

30 mins reading 

Remember that  I have set up a blog on Purple Mash for us all to share our work with each other and to communicate with each other. To read the blog go to Purple Mash home page. Select SHARING and then the SHARED BLOGS TAB. Select Year 3 and you will see a welcome from me. CLICK on the Welcome and you can read what I have to say.  You can then post a comment. You can also add your own news to the blog by clicking on the GREEN + SIGN. You can watch help videos in the 2Blog section on Purple Mash and these will help you to use the blog.

Addie, Sophia and Harry have already posted messages for you all to see. Click on their entry to read the full message. I have to authorise your comments, so don't be worried if you don't see your entry straight away.

Shout Out to Matthew and Jacob R who have both been working hard on Rock Stars. Well done boys.

Final Shout Out today goes to Harriet who is trying really hard to learn her times tables. I was so proud of Harriet on Friday, after speaking to her mummy and hearing all about her hard work.  Keep up the great work Harriet. 

Speak tomorrow everyone

Mrs Hymers