Home Learning Week 4 Friday

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 1:50pm

It's Friday! Soon be the weekend and time for a lie in - well for me anyway! smiley

Hope you and your families are all well. 

Are you getting fed up with being at home? Are you missing your friends and teachers? Hopefully, we will soon find out when it will be safe to re-open school and fingers crossed we will get to see each other before not too long. 

Shout Outs today go to Isla L, Sophia, Max, Olivia B, Evan, Tyler, Liam, Addie, Emilia and Harry who have already completed the 2Do I set yesterday and have drawn their own Cyclops. I was very impressed children. I know that some of you found it much more difficult than you anticipated. Using the paint tools on Purple Mash is tricky.  Are any of you going to try to make a 3D Cyclops? 

Class Blog: I am enjoying reading your comments and messages  - and Harry I really liked seeing your photograph. The blog is a great way to keep in touch with each other. If you haven't had a look, why not take time today. Here are the instructions again.

To read the blog go to Purple Mash home page. Select SHARING and then the SHARED BLOGS TAB. Select Year 3 and you will see a welcome from me. CLICK on the Welcome and you can read what I have to say.  You can then post a comment. You can also add your own news to the blog by clicking on the GREEN + SIGN. You can also watch help videos in the 2Blog section on Purple Mash. 

As promised yesterday, I've attached a spelling activity linked to the Common Exception Words for Y3/4 that I attached to the blog yesterday. Can you find the mistakes? You don't need to print the sheets off, just write the correct spellings in your notebook (in home learning pack).

DT Challenge: (attached to the blog)

The task challenges you to make the tallest tower possible only using the listed equipment. If you do complete the challenge, take a photograph and send it into school for me to see. Include its height in cm, so we can have a class competition. I will buy a prize for the winner. It is tricky as you can only use 1 piece of A4 paper and scissors. You cannot use any other equipment. 

Bitesize Daily Lessons

Maths: It is Friday again and Friday is Maths Challenge Day. Try to solve the problems. Get your brains working. I'm sure you will be able to work out the answers. 

English: A reading comprehension activity based on the story The Worst Witch. You will develop your summarising skills today; you will be asked to make predictions and you will be challenged to use the text to support your answers. These are key skills for Year 4.

Music: Today's lesson looks like fun. It's all about exploring Rhythm and Pulse by clapping and using your bodies.

Have a lovely weekend children. Stay safe and I'll be in touch on Monday.

Mrs H heart

P.S. I hope that some of you enter the NHS Competition. The rules have been put up for you to read. Lots of you are really creative, so why not take the time to enter. Let me know if you do and tell me all about what you have done. Good Luck. 

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