Home Learning, Week 4, Day 5

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 7:39am

Good morning Year 1 and HAPPY FRIDAY - THE FASTEST DAY OF THE WEEK! (or so we say, in Year 1!)

How are you feeling this morning?  Having looked at the work on Purple Mash this week, many of you should be feeling very proud of the work you have completed.  It is a joy to see the comments you are putting on your ToDo's, letting me know how much you have enjoyed the work I am setting. laugh  

Our Blackpool Blog is now very much up and running so if you haven't been on there yet, then head on over.  This week I have been posting pictures on there along with a question.  Our bloggers so far have been carrying out research at home and then answering my questions!  There's a new one on there today, so have a look! cool

BBC Bitesize have got some great lessons on for today.  The English lesson is all to do with the super book Funnybones by the wonderul Janet and Allan Ahlberg.  There is also a music lesson on there today which obviously caught my eye wink all to do with body percussion, pulse and rhythm.  That is the perfect lesson for you today as normally, if we were in school, we would be having our whole school assembly and half an hour of whole school singing!  So have a look and ENJOY!

Bobby, earlier in the week, sent in a fantastic painting of Blackpool Tower which has led me on to thinking about setting a little challenge for you all..... therefore....


I am challenging you to create a 3D model of Blackpool Tower using recycled, reclaimed materials.  Mummy and Daddy will tell you that that basically means finding and using things in your home such as cardboard boxes, toilet roll tubes or pieces of material that are hanging around.  You might also find things in your craft boxes at home that might be useful.  See if you can get them completed and sent in (via email) by next Friday, or whenever you can, and then I can put a display of them on here so you can see each other's.  Once we are back at school, you can bring them in to go on display!  For those of you who have been on the blog, there is actually another special feature at the bottom of Blackpool Tower, just in front of it - you might decide to have this as part of your model too!   

As well as all this, don't forget to do your daily reading!  It was wonderful last week, listening to your parents telling me how hard you are working with your reading and how you are getting better and better! 

There are a couple of new ToDo's on Purple Mash for you Year 1 so have a look.

One last thing - if you are thinking of doing some exercise this morning, before you start your work, then there is a BBC website called Super Movers which I think you will enjoy.  It is all about getting moving but links in with our curriculum and the things that you learn in class.

I wish you all a wonderful weekend with your precious families and look forward to seeing those 3D Blackpool Tower creations coming in soon.  Here's a picture of Blackpool Tower below to get you started.

Blackpool Tower



Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Taylor x heart