Home Learning, Week 4, Day 4

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:46am

Good morning Year 1!

I hope that you are feeling well and happy.  Today would normally be my first day in class with you for the week, wouldn't it!  I've always like to call it 'Thoughtful Thursday' - maybe you could do something thoughtful today? enlightened

Anyway, well done to those of you who are now looking at our Blackpool Blog and putting  your own blogs on there.  Isn't it a great way of us keeping in touch and messaging!  I have added a new picture onto the blog today as well as the question 'Do You Know What This Is?' - have a look at it and see if you can answer the question.  If you don't then, like Oliver did yesterday, use Google Safesearch to do some research and see if you can find out!  

I have had a look at BBC Bitesize this morning and there is a nice English lesson all to do with describing words - once again, we use the posh term for these and call them...........can you remember...........yes, ADJECTIVES!  We have done a lot of work on adjectives since September so have a go at it - you will be BRILLIANT!

I have also set you some more ToDo's on Purple Mash.  One is all about the life of a lighthouse keeper.  If you read the story or watched the video of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, then you should be able to do this.  Also, I have added the final chapter and activities for our class book on for you.  I have been very impressed with how well you have scored on the comprehension questions.  This is where you have to answer questions about what you have read.  Don't forget though, these questions are not to test you memory.  You can watch it again (or if you were reading a book, then read parts of it again) to find the answers. It is like what we do in our guided reading lessons in class.  cool


Big shout out to the following people today for the work that they emailed over to school yesterday:

Sam - has created a beautiful rainbow in his windown to support our wonderful NHS.

Amelia - has written a short story with a picture to go with it.

Bobby - has created his own Blackpool Tower painting!  It's HUGE!

Scarlett - has created a lovely wild flower collage using flowers she collected on a walk.  

Well done to all of you for working so hard, as I am sure everyone is! yes

Well, I am going to sing off now and get some exercise done.  It is always a great way to start the day and this morning myself and my daughters are doing some exercise in the garden, whilst it is dry!

I'll message again in the morning.

Take care Year 1 and don't forget to try and do something thoughtful today....

Mrs Taylor x heart