Home Learning, Week 4, Day 3

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:33am

Good morning Year 1 and happy Wednesday to you all!

The skies are grey today but that's ok.  We can still be positive, have a big smile on our faces and enjoy the day!

Firstly, I am really really impressed with the way in which many of you are completing the tasks I've been setting you on Purple Mash.  Today, I want to introduce something new to you on Purple Mash - The Blackpool and Holidays blog!  This is a place on Purple Mash where you can share any research facts or fascinating findings.  If you follow the link below, it should take you there:

  1. Log in to Purple Mash and click on ‘Computing’
  2. Click on ‘2blog’
  3. Click on ‘Class blogs’
  4. Click on ‘Y1 Blackpool and Holidays’- created by me!
  5. Click on ‘view blog’
  6. Read what I have written first
  7. Click the green + sign at the top right of the page
  8. Then, you can create your own blog post- give it a title, a summary (a brief description of what your post is about) then get typing!
  9. There are picture icons in the task bar where you can upload pictures, too.

If you want to just read other people’s posts in our blog, just click on the title of that person's post. You can comment on them, too.

Remember: I have to approve your posts/comments before they can be seen by everybody.

I look forward to seeing what you post....cool

BBC Bitesize have set a nice English activity this morning all about nouns and joining words (we call them their posh name - conjunctions).  A noun is simply the name of something such as a chair, table, beach, sandcastle.  Have a go at this - there is a little video to watch first - it looks fun!  Also on BBC Bitesize there is a Music lesson from 23rd April which I would like you to have a look at.  It is all about singing and using your voice to make music.  This made me think of you all, year 1, as before we finished school your singing was really progressing (this means getting better and better) so have a go at this lesson to develop your voices more!  Talking of singing.......

I AM SO EXCITED TO TELL YOU THAT 'THERE'S A POWER IN THE MUSIC' CAN BE FOUND ON YOUTUBE!  Yes, this is true!  So if you simply (and safely) log onto Youtube and type in 'There;s a Power in the Music', our wonderful school anthem, can be found and you can sing it to your hearts content at home.  Sing it for your Mummy and Daddy or sing it via Zoom for your grandparents.  How fabulous is that! 

Do you have a child singer? | Free printable quotes, Quotes for ...Cartoon group of children singing in the school ch


I have also set you a couple more To Do's on Purple Mash as you are whizzing through the ones I have set so far.  Don't forget to try and add them onto the Y1 Display Wall, if you can.  We will all be AMAZING at using Purple Mash by the time we return to school (including me). wink

Finally, just to mention about the importance of getting some exercise during the day, despite the weather being dull dreary.  There are lots of exercise videos online and of course Joe Wicks hosts his PE lesson for kids at 9am.  If you don't fancy that then, if it is dry, get out in your garden, kick a football or even bounce on your trampoline.  Exercise is good for the mind as well as your body so GO FOR IT! 

I'm going to sign off now Year 1 as I am going to go and tune in to Joe Wicks - he's about to start! 

Speak tomorrow and remember, keep smiling, keep singing and stay happy! smiley

Mrs Taylor x heart