Home Learning, Week 4, Day 2

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 2:45pm


Hello Year 1 and happy Tuesday to you all! smiley

Today, the weather has really changed and it appears more of a 'duvet day' rather than a 'get out and exercise day'.  However, we need to try and keep to some sort of routine in our day, so try and save your film on the setee until later this afternoon, once you have completed some work. yes

I wanted to start the blog today with a big shout out to Harry who has sent over some pictures of his landart which he has enjoyed doing at home.  Super work, Harry!  smiley

I have enjoyed looking at all the fishes, deckchairs and summer clothing you have been designing on Purple Mash this week and it makes me proud to think that they are tasks which you can work on on your own.  Keep it up, Year 1! 

BBC Bitesize have added a great English lesson today, all about those all important capital letters and full stops in sentences.  Have a go at it - you should be whizzes after all the writing we have been doing since September! 

Thinking about our topic on Holidays and in particular, Blackpool, I was wondering if you could do some research on Blackpool Tower this week; one of the most famous landmarks of Blackpool.  I have attached a factsheet as a ToDo for you to add the facts on to.  See if you can find out how tall it is, when it was built and what is famous for?  I look forward to seeing your factsheets once they are completed.  Don't forget to add a picture of Blackpool Tower onto it, if you can, then add the sheet to our Y1 design wall.

I've also set you the fourth chapter of the story you have been reading; Anna and the Third Leaf along with a couple of activities for you to do.  You should be really good at these activities by now and once again, be having a go at them on your own. wink

This afternoon my girls are baking cupcakes.  Cupcakes recipe - BBC Food 

Have any of you tried any baking whilst you have been learning from home?  Baking is an excellent way of practising measuring as you have to weigh out all of the ingredients before you begin.  Why not ask Mummy or Daddy if you can have a try at baking some little cupcakes and if you do, then make sure you help when weighing out the ingredients!  Good luck!  My mouth is watering at the thought of lots of photos of cupcakes being emailed across to school. cheeky

Anyway, I will sign off for today and wish you all a happy day!  Take care, keep smiling even though the sun isn't shining and continue to shine like the little stars that you are! 

Mrs Taylor x heartShining Star Quotes | Shining star quotes, Star quotes, Stars ...