Home Learning, Week 4, Day 1

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 12:12pm

Good morning Year 1 and here we are with another new week of home learning; week 4! 

This weeks have flown by and I am wondering whether you did something last week which you are proud of?  Maybe it is a piece of work which I have set or an act of kindness which you have shown to someone.  It would be lovely to hear what it is.  Don't forget that you can email any details to the school email address.

I spent last week in school and was delighted on Friday to be able to chat with most of you and your families when I made phonecalls to your homes to see how you are all are.  It makes me feel so proud to hear how hard you are trying with your learning from home.  It is really tricky for your families to be parents as well as teachers so really try hard to do little bits of work on your own and try hard with your work when Mummy or Daddy set some time aside for you to do it.  I was sorry that I missed Tyler, James, Martha and Bobby but want you to know that I did try your homes a few times.  Please feel free to send an email to school to let us know how you are getting on and I will try and ring again when I am back in school in a couple of weeks.  I hope that all is well for you all.

So...this week we are continuining to think about our topic on Blackpool.  I have been very impressed so far with the work that you have handed in.  This week I have set you a couple of little art tasks to do, which I am hoping you will be able to do independently.  It is to design a beach hut which is a little hut that people can go in on the beach to shade themselves from the sun and to design some summer clothing, suitable for a summer holiday.  Try and make them as bright and as colourful as possible and try and do them on your own!  

I have also set for you Chapter 3 of our Purple Mash story, Anna and the Leaf along with some short activities for you to complete.  Once again, try and see how much you can complete as independently as possible!  I know you can do it! yes

I have been having a good look at the BBC Bitesize website and have found a nice activity from Thursday 23rd April, under the English section.  This is all to do with creating lists in sentences.  Click on it and have a look at it.  There is a video to watch and then three activities for you to complete. 

I will sign off for today now and will speak again tomorrow.

Take care everyone!

Mrs Taylor x smiley