Home Learning Week 4 - Monday

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 9:44am

Good morning Reception smiley

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I really enjoyed my weekend. I baked two delicious cakes with Lila and Max, they were extremely yummy. We spent lots of time in our garden too, the sun was extra hot so we filled up the paddling pool. What did you enjoy doing at the weekend? Can you tell your grown up? Ask your family what they enjoyed doing the most. Is it the same as you?

This week in school, we would have been reading a book called 'Dinosaurs in my school'. Don't worry though Reception, we can still share this funny story. Click on the link and we can listen to the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6LxWFxLVK8

Writing Challenge - After listening to the story, can you write a sentence describing the mischief the dinosaur could be getting up to if he came to your house? What do you think he would do? Would he mess up your room? Would he put spaghetti in your bath? hehe.

Can you think of the sentence all by yourself? Can you hold the sentence in your brain and write it on your paper?

Mrs Amor's top tips to help you remember all of your super sentence.

1. Think of a super sentence.

2. Use your chopping arm, to chop the sentence up.

3. Count how many words are in your sentence. (Remember how we put our  fingers on our chin as we count.) Now you know how many words you need to write.

Give it a go!!!

Special Sound Of The Day

Today's special sound is........ow

Watch Rosie and Fred, they will help you practise our OW sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpNFivfJ2Jc

Can you write 2 words with the 'ow' sound in? Can you put one of those words into a 'quick write' sentence? Go on, have a go. Impress your grown up with your quick writes. smiley


Can you learn about the number 14? What do you know about the number 14? Here is an episode of Numberblocks to help you find out all about the number 14.


Can you write the number? Can you count 14 objects? Can you split 14 objects into 2 groups? One group of 10 and one group of 4? (14 is 10 and 4)



Have you been reading some lovely books at home? I would love to hear about your favourite books. Maybe, you could send me a photograph of you reading your favourite books.  Remember it's very important to keep practising your reading at home. Oxford Owl have got some wonderful e-books you can read at home. Ask your grown up if you can visit the online library and have a look at all the lovely books that are available to read. You may find a new favourite book. How exciting! https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=Age+3-4&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series=#


Dinosaur Time


Did you all guess which dinosaur i spotted in the clouds? It had a long neck and a long tail, and he had four legs!....

It was a Diplodocus!! They're my favourite dinosaur. What is your favourite dinosaur? I'm sure if we were at school, George and Eddison would be teaching us all about the differents types of dinosaurs.

We found out last week that disonsaurs hatch out of eggs. Most eggs need to be kept safe and warm in a nest. This got me thinking, could yo make a nest to keep a dinosaur egg safe and warm? I have attached a little picture that tells you how to build a nest, give it a go. If you have a different idea of how to build a nest, you could do that too.

I hope you all enjoy building a nest for a dinosaur egg.

Have a lovely day Reception and I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take care heart

Mr Amor x