Home Learning Week 3

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 12:46pm

Hello again Reception smiley

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break and had lots of fun with your family.

Do you think you could write about something you enjoyed doing during your Easter break? 

Think of a sentence you would like to write and chop it up. How many words does the sentence have? Can you hold the sentence and write it on your own? Use your robot arms to help you hear the sounds in words you want to write.

To help you remember your sounds Mr Mc has daily fun phonics lessons on his youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTcZnvuTeovlznioLRo0GOA 

You can also practise your phonics sounds when you teach your monster to read. Try to practise recognising your sounds every day smiley

Starting tomorow I will introduce a 'Special sound of the day', with fun activities and games to help us practise our sounds.

It is very important to keep practising reading every day too. I saw that Maddison has created a cosy reading area in her garden. Well done Maddison, keep enjoying your reading! Oxford Owl has an amazing range of free E-books for you to  read. They even have some familiar friends, with Biff, Chip and Kipper books. I know how much you all enjoy these books. Just follow this link to access the books online. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/


This week in school we would have been starting a brand new topic? Can you guess what it would be? Should I give you some clues?

Clue number one - Some of these creatures were carnivores, meat-eaters, and some were herbivores, plant eaters.

Clue number two - Some walked on two legs, while others walked on all four legs. 

Clue number three - Some had horns and spikes, others had thick bumpy skin, and some even had feathers.

Did you guess what our new topic would be? It's DINOSAURS!!! How exciting! 

Can you think of a dinosaur and describe it to somebody in your family? They have to guess which dinosaur you are. Remember to use adjectives (describing words) to describe which dinosaur you are. For example, 'I am big, I have a long neck and a long tail.'  You could use an information book to help you find out what they look like or you could use the internet to find some information about dinosaurs. 

Check out Andy's dinosaur raps. Can you join in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYzE-9Ng2oE

Have a lovely day everybody, I will write to you tomorrow.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x