Home Learning Week 3 Wednesday

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 3:19pm

Hello Everyone

Are you still managing to take part in some form of exercise every day to stay fit and healthy? Are you keeping up with Joe Wicks? 

Have you tried BBC Supermovers - KS2? It's a great site that combines learning with keeping fit.  There are lots of activities to choose from. Why not start with The Times Tables Mash-up with Bartley Bluebird & Wolfie Wolf. 

If you were in school, we would be learning all about the Ancient Greeks. I know that some of you have made a great start with your Greek Projects and I am looking forward to reading them. Why not spend time this week finding out all about Aesop. He wrote some very famous stories called fables. Can you find out what the features of fables are? I've attached 2 examples of his fables for you to read and to answer the reading comprehension questions. As always, if you find reading hard, use the first text and questions. If your reading is good, try the second text and questions. If you are a super reader or if you love a challenge, try the final text and questions.

Bitesize Daily

Today's tasks are:

Maths: Exploring methods of addition and subtraction using the column methods. Today's lesson builds upon Monday and Tuesday's work.

Literacy: Apostrophes to combine words. We call this Apostrophes for Contraction. This will be a really useful activityY3, as I have set this as one of your writing targets on the majority of your end of year reports.

Science: Activities to learn about the three States of Matter -  Solids, Liquids and Gases. You will have the opportunity to explore how we can change solids to liquids and liquids to gases. There's a sorting game and an experiment to try. 

Rock Stars

To help you to focus on improving your times tables when playing on Rock Stars, I have set your times tables to 1,2,3,4,5,10 and 11s. for the next few weeks. Try to answer every question within 6 seconds.

SHOUT OUT to Annabel, Jacob R, Harrison, Liam, Matthew, Evan, Heidi, Max, Molly, Olivia B, Harry, Sonny,  Jacob B, Isla L and Jake who have all responded to my times table battle challenge. They are working together to beat my total. So far the children have scored 1913 points. I have only scored 358 - but I have been very busy and I will be playing later on this week - so watch out - I'm coming to beat you cheeky

Did any of you have a go at the tasks set by Mrs Naylor on Monday and Tuesday? I know that Tyler has. You still have time to complete them and lots of children, who have done the tasks, say that they are fun. All of the tasks are building up to a NHS competition which we are going to enter and there will be a prize for the winner.

Finally, I know that lots of you really enjoy sharing the Gosepl readings and completing some of the activities on the Wednesday Word leaflets. We can't send them home at the moment, but I have attached this week's leaflet to the website and to the class blog for you to have a look at.

That's all for today. Take care everyone.

Mrs H heart

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