Home Learning Week 3 Tuesday

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 9:09am

Happy Tuesday Year 3 smiley

I hope that you are all safe and well and were able to start back with some school work yesterday. Remember that it is really important to do a little bit every day - otherwise you will forget lots of things.

I hope that many of you managed to complete some of the activities on Bitesize Daily yesterday. If you did, do you now know how to be a super historian? Do you know that not all sources of evidence are reliable? 

If you didn't manage to complete any tasks yesterday, you can always have a go today. The English task today is all about pronouns. If you don't know what these are - don't worry - there are videos to help you. The Maths tasks explore place value in 3 digit numbers - you did this in Autumn, so it will be great revision for you. Finally, have a go at the Geography task - it will teach you all about maps and how to read them. You started looking at maps just before school broke up, so this task should help you further your knowledge.

Don't forget that there are still two 2dos to complete on Purple Mash - both are about rocks. Please do try to have a go at them.

Tomorrow, I am going to set you another 2do to do. It will be to write a diary entry about one day in your Easter holidays.

Finally, this week is William Shakespeare week. You might want to spend a bit of time finding out about this amazing playwright. The Kid’s Zone of the Shakespeare week website (https://www.shakespeareweek.org.uk/kids-zone/) has lots of stories and activities linked to Shakespeare’s most famous plays that you could have a look at.

Don't forget to email school with pictures and information showing us what you have been up to. I would love to include some information about our Y3 class on the newsletter.

Take care. Be good. Work hard

Mrs Hymers