Home Learning Week 3 Thursday

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 9:43am

Hello everyone

It's me again checking in on you all. Talking of checking - I have been busy checking up on you to see how many of you are getting on well with your online learning and here are the results:

Rock Stars - 82% of the class are now playing - which is great news. Of the 5 children not playing - 4 are boys and 1 is a girl. You will all be sitting a times table check in June in Y4 when you will be given a series of times tables questions and division questions to answer. Each question has to be answered within 6 seconds. Every Y4 child, across the country will sit this test. If you start learning your tables now using Rock Star, you will ace the test when the time comes in Y4. It is a really good use of your time Y3. Knowing your tables will also make Y4 maths easier. Come on everyone! Let's get all of Y3 on Rock Stars! If you are already on Rock Stars - your challenge is to answer all questions within 6 seconds. I will be checking. 

Rock Star shouts out this week go to Sophia and Annabel.

Purple Mash - 2Dos. Only 13 people have completed the fossil quiz - a shout out to Annabel, Molly, Emilia, Isla W, Olivia B, Olivia M, Harry, Christopher, Tyler, Liam, Sophia, Evan and Adelaide.

Even less of you have completed the information leaflet on Sedimentary Rocks. sad

Today's learing on Bitesize focuses on verbs, ordering numbers to 1000 and for those of you who enjoy music there is a musical activity for you to complete today.

Today is also St. George's Day. I've attached some activities all about St. George if you would like to have a go.

Rather than reading your home reader or Serial Mash book today, have a go at the attached reading comprehension. If you find reading difficult try the first text; if your reading is okay have a go at the second. If you are a good reader, you should read the final text.  

Finally a BIG SHOUT OUT to Evan who sent me the fantastic email below to tell me all about what he has been up to. It sounds like you have been doing some fantastic work Evan and I love the sound of you synonym hunt - you found some great words!


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Have a good day everyone and work hard. smiley

Mrs Hymers




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