Home Learning Week 3 Monday

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:59am

A BIG GOOD MORNING to you all Year 3!!

I hope that you are all well and after two weeks of no home learning are ready to start working again. laugh

Tasks to think about this week:

  • As this is week 3, you should now be on your third reading book. It can be a home reader sent home in your pack or a book from Serial Mash. If you choose a book from Serial Mash - have a go at completing the online activities that go along with it. 
  • Times Tables will be key to your success in Maths next year. Spend 20 mins a day on TimesTable Rock Stars or play the times table games on Purple Mash. 
  • Have a go at the 2do tasks on Purple Mash on Rocks and Fossils. Only 9 people have tried the fossil quiz.
  • I have attached a document on the blog this week that tells you about the different activities that you can try on BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons this week. Bitesize sets 3 lessons/activities for you to complete each day. There are video clips to help you and you can record your answers in your exercise book (in your pack). You can also download the activities and print them off. I think that you will enjoy the tasks - especially the history, geography and science ones.
  • Oh and don't forget to spend time exercising or playing in the garden.

Speak to you all tomorrow

Take care

Mrs Hymers


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