Home Learning Week 2 Day 4

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:08pm

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all keeping well and you are not missing me too much crying

I want to start today by saying a big WELL DONE to Heidi, Tyler, Louie, Annabel, Isla W, Harry and Liam for handing in their 2Dos on Purple Mash. I was very impressed by how much they have found out about children in Ancient Greece. The children have created some super information texts and they have tried hard to write their findings down in their own words. For the rest of Year 3 who have yet to complete the 2Do - remember that you only have until Friday. 

Are you all still remembering to read a chapter a day of your home reader or Serial Mash book? You should be well into book 2 by now.  Are you completing your chapter summary sheets? I can't wait for you to tell me all about the books that you have read.

Harry has read a book called Settlers and he sent me a super book review on Purple Mash. He gave it 4 stars. Why not read it for yourselves. 

Try listening to a story by David Walliams - it's a great way to relax and take time out of work.

If you fancy a break from your usual learning activities, why not visit https://cafod.org.uk/Education/Kidz-Zone where you'll find some fun, interactive global learning activities that will help you to discover more about the different lives that children in our world live. There is also a resource pack for you to use for Lent.

What kinds of fun things have you been up to? I am getting lots of emails from other children telling me about their days, but so far I have only heard from Addie in Y3 - although I do see Molly in school most days smiley

Have any of you baked anything delicious to eat? Have you been creative and made something useful? Have a look in this week's newsletter to see what some of the children in our Birchley family have made.

Don't forget to email me at stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk to share your news with me. Send me photos too and I will include them in our Learning from Home section of the newsletter.

Have a good day.

Mrs Hymers