Home Learning, Week 3 Day 3 22nd April

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 3:02pm

Hello Year 1!

Apologies for my lateness at blogging today; I'm in school this week so have been a little busy this morning.

How are you all on this fine, sunny day?  

I spoke with Alfie Baker's Mummy earlier, who told me that her and Alfie have been enjoying researching about Blackpool and have gathered their five fast facts about Blackpool ready to share with me!  How many of you have found anything out about Blackpool?  Here are some questions to consider:

  • What are some of the famous landmarks in Blackpool?
  • What do people stay in when they visit Blackpool?
  • What are the long stretches of walkway called that go out into the sea?  Clue: there is more than one of them in Blackpool! wink
  • What is the special way in which you can travel through Blackpool?

As part of our topic on Holidays this half term, we are looking in particular at a text called The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage.  Some of you may already have this book at home.  If not, you can access a short video of it via Youtube, if you simply type in the title.  Have a listen to the story and see if you can remember who the characters are.  Who is the main character and what is the problem which the main character has in the story?  After that, I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash which is all about the job of a lighthouse keeper.

I also wanted to mention to you today about the BBC Bitesize daily lessons that are being launched each day.  These are for all the different subjects and there are even fun games to do too! 

As well as all of this, don't forget that all important fresh air and exercise in your garden, especially with the weather being so nice.adorable-sunshine-images-clip-art-free-sun-black-and-white-clipart ...

Anway, I will sign off for now and will blog again tomorrow.

Mrs Taylor x smiley