Home Learning, Week 3, Day 2, 21st April

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 7:34am

Good morning Year 1!


I hope that you all had a marvellous Monday yesterday and enjoyed some time playing out in this wonderful weather, as well as doing some home learning!

So, today I want to tell you about our new topic, now that we have just begun the Summer term.  Would you like me to give you some clues as to what it is?  Well, here they are...

Clue number 1 - It is something that we all enjoy! wink (I'm sure)

Clue number 2 - It is something that can happen in this country or abroad! wink

Clue number 3 - We usually want the weather to be nice when this is happening! laugh

Clue number 4 - Often, this involves a beach, the sea or a swimming pool! wink

Have you guessed it yet???  

Well let me tell you..... our new topic is.....


Family Holidays to Portugal 2020 / 2021 | FirstChoice.co.uk

Everyone loves a holiday, don't they?

Well, the first half term of the summer term is all about a place called Blackpool, in England, not too far from where we all live, so you don't need to get on an aeroplane to travel there.  Have you ever been to Blackpool?  Blackpool has been known as a popular place for people to go on holiday to for many many years.  What I would like you to do is a little bit of research on Blackpool this week and see if you can bring me 5 FAST FACTS about it.  I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash with a blank list for you to type your 5 facts onto.  I cannot wait to see what you find out! 

As well as the list, I have set another 2Do, asking you to describe the angry sea, crashing against the rocks.  You often see this if you visit Blackpool.  When you are thinking of your sentences, don't forget to use adjectives to make you writing interesting along with those all important capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and conjunctions!  Can you still remember our song about these? 

Do not forget Year 1 that you are more than welcome to send any pictures of your home learning to the school website and you might even get a mention in the newsletter! stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk 

Until tomorrow, happy researching, stay safe and keep smiling!  smiley

Mrs Taylor x heart

PS - Don't forget your daily reading......Quotes: Reading Quotes For Kids ~ Cool Love Wallpapers With Quotes ...